Monday, October 12, 2009

William & Elizabeth Bracewell 1772

1772 - April 22, Citation granted to Elizabeth Beaswall to administer on the Estate and Effects of William Beaswall her husband as nearest of kin To be read in St. Matthews Parish & returned Certified Granted 22d Apr. 1772.

1772 - May 29, Dedimus To William Thompson or William Tucker to qualify Elizabeth Beaswell admor of the Estate & Effects of William Beaswell late St. Matthews parish Berkley County 29 May 1772.

1772 - July 21, July 21 day 1772 A Return of the Appraisment of the Goods & Chattels of William Bracewell decd William Kelly, Gersham Kelly, John Grossett

Contributed by KBD

Saturday, October 10, 2009

William, Dinah & Betsey Braswell, Edgefield Co., SC

1811 - November 26, James Mathews and Dinah Mathews to Edmond Lamar, Deed, $850, 187.5 acres being part of 300 acres originally granted to William Breazeal on 12 December 1768 who died intestate and his only legal surviving heirs were Betsey Breazeal wife of Willis Breazeal and Dinah Mathews wife of above named James Mathews who after their fathers decease divised said land by agreement without administering on his estate. The tract now transfered is the dividend of Dinah Mathews, on Loyds Creek of Stephens Creek of Savannah River adjacent Charles Hammond, Samuel Dagnal. Wit: James Hunter, A. Hunter. Signed: James Mathews, Dinah (X) Mathews. Justice Charles Hammond certifies release of dower rights by Dinah Mathews wife of James Mathews, March 19, 1812. Signed: Dinah (X) Mathews. Rec: January 15 1817. (Edgefield Co., SC DB 33 Pg 268)

NOTE: At this point James Mathews & William Braswell are believed to be from Chatham Co., NC and Betsey's husband is believed to be from the Breazeale family.

Thomas Lamar, Granville Dist. SC 1775

Thomas Lamar
Will: Wife: Eleanor executrix Son: Thomas, land called Bell Mount next lands "Run" by Thomas Smith
Daus: Mary Roberts, Sarah Brezel, Martha Rodger Gemimah (probably daughter Jemima), Ruth, Eleanor, Ann and Elizabeth - Land purchased of Benjamin Tutt
Wit: Thomas LAMAR, Basil LAMAR

Died: 21 July 1775
Proved: nd
Recorded: nd

Source: Abstracts of Wills of State of SC 1760-1784, Vol. III, Caroline T. Moore, 1969
Will Book VV, 1776-1784, page 196

NOTE: Sarah Lamar married William Braswell, who is believed to be from Chatham Co., NC.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jacob Braswells: Sr & Jr.

- March 26, Jacob Braswell, 528 acres on the north side of Morattock River, joining the Gum swamp, George Stevens, Jeffries, Richard Braswell, Hogpen Meadow and John Cotten. Bk. 3, pg. 138

1726 - Jacob Brasswell (Bracewell) to John Smith, blacksmith, 10 pds. for 250 a. NS Morrattock River and Urssarah Meadow. "...Where John now lives..." being "pt. and p'cill of a patent of 528 a." granted to Bracewell April 1, 1723. On Holly Bush Meadow. May Court 1726. (pg. 110)

1727 - August 8, Jacob Brasswell & wife Elisabeth to William Ruffin, Aug. 8, 1727. 11 pds. for 278 a. On SS Morattock River in Uasary Meadow and Hog Pen Meadow. Adj. John Cotten, Richard Braswell. Part of tract formerly granted Jacob Brasswell for 528 a. on April 1, 1723. Wit: Thomas Hart, John Hart. pg. 360


1728 - April 20, 284 acres surveyed then granted to Jacob Braswell. (See deeds below)

1740 - October 27, Jacob Bracewell to Robert Bracewell 45 Pd. 284 ac north side Tar River adj Swift Creek. Wit. Richard Bracewell, Richard Sessums. (Edg Deed 1-391)

1748 - October 24, Robert Bracewell, Edge. Co to William Davis, county aforesaid for 100 pds money of England, a tract on the north side of Tar River beginning at a Spanish Oak on the bank of Tar River then south 45 east 160 poles to a pine then north 10 west 320 poles to a red oak then north 65 west 300 poles to a red oak then south 30 west 320 poles to a red oak on the east side of Swift Creek on Tar River then to the first station, containing 284 acres which was granted to Jacob Bracewell by patent for 284 acres which was surveyed 20 Apr 1728, signed Robert Bracewell, Mary Bracewell, wit J. Howell, George Fort, (Thos Deuigen). Recorded Nov Ct 1748 (Edge. Co (Halifax) Db 3, page 286) NOTE: This Robert
Bracewell is the son of Richard Bracewell II & Ann Carver.


1729 - March 6, Jacob Braswell 598 acre grant.

1732 - A deed of Sale from Jacob Braswell to Thomas Kerby ackd. &c. (pg. 50)

1741 - May 23, Jacob Bracewell of Edg to Jeremiah Hilliard 50 pds 298 ac northwest side Tar River adj Thomas Kerby & the river part of 598 ac grant to sd Jacob 6 Mar 1729. Wit. Benjamin Sellers, Isaac Dickerson, Robert Hilliard. (1-409)

1746 - October 22, Samuel Murray, Edge. Co to John Jones, said county, from all manner of bonds & writings, obligations whatsoever, the said John Jones is & standith ( ) for me in any sum or sums of money to Captain Samuel Williams late sheriff of Edgecombe County as also for divers other good causes & considerations me hereunto moving, one bay mare branded on the near buttock "H", two bay mares & colts, one three year old bay horse, one three year old light gray horse, four two year old horses, one gray mare colt, one gray four year old mare, two, two year old mares, three old horse colts, one bay year old mare, one black two year old mare, all the aforesaid creatures branded "M," one black mare & colt branded (EX), one year old horse colt branded "M" & Likewise one tract of land on the south side of the mouth of Swift Creek upon Tar River in Edge. Co being laid off and surveyed for Jacob Braswell, Sr and containing 300 acres, in trust, signed Samuel Murray, wit William Jones (mark)(proved), Sarah Jones. Recorded May Ct 1747 (Edge. Co (Halifax) Db 3, page 85)


1742 - March 6, Jacob Braswell granted 275 acres on the north side of the Tar River.

1751 - November 16, Jacob Braswell, Edge. Co to John Sikes, county aforesaid for 15 pds VA, a tract and plantation on the north of Tar River and east side of Swift Creek containing 275 acres being the whole of a tract granted to the said Jacob Braswell by patent dated 6 Mar 1742, signed Jacob Braswell (J), wit John Moore (proved), Elias Fort, Joshua Sikes (X). Recorded Nov Ct 1751 (Edge. Co (Halifax) Db 4, page 160) CTC


1745 - April 11, Jacob Braswell 270 acres in Edgecombe County on the N. side of Tarr river where the sd. Braswell now lives, joining a branch, a Small Meadow, the river bank above his plantation, and the river below the Mouth of a Gut (3384 pg. 341)

1754 - February 26, Jacob Braswell, Edge. Co to Benjamin Bunn, same county, for 40 pds VA, a tract containing 270 acres on the north side of Tar River where the said Braswell now lives beginning at a live oak on the river bank above the Plantation then north 5 east 219 poles to a poplar in a branch then south 85 east 219 poles to a pine in a small meadow then south 5 west 126 poles to a hickory on the river bank then up the various courses of the river to the first station, signed Jacob Braswell, Jr, Wit Edwd Moore, James Ricks, John Ricks (proved). Recorded Feb Ct 1755 (Edge. Co (Halifax) Db 2, page 177)


1743 - March 16, Jacob Braswell 160 acres in Edgecombe County on the s. side of Tarr river, joining above Greens path and on the river side (3447 pg. 353)

1745 - February 26, Jacob Braswell of Edge. Co. to Joseph John Clinch of Surry Co., Va. 10 pounds current money of Va. acres (not given) on the south side of Tarr river above Green’s path Wit: Samuel Williams, Arthur Taylor, John Lawhon, Jr. Reg. Edge. Co. Aug. Ct. 1746 R. Forster C. Ct. (Pg. 523)


1760 - December 6, 650 acre Granville Grant to Jacob Braswell.

1761 - June 24, Jacob Braswell of Johnston County sold 650 acres in Edgecombe County to Samuel Delke, "being a Granville grant to Jacob Braswell dated December 6, 1760" (Edgecombe DB 1 Pg 280 & Edgecombe DB C Pg 61) From Carey Bracewell.

1761 - June 24, Jacob Braswell, Planter, Johnston Co to (Samuel Delke) for 10 pds, a tract of land on the north side of Tar River beginning at a pine in an old line made for Arthur Taylor just above the Long Branch then north 200 poles to a pine then east 400 poles to pine near the Poplar Branch then south 242 poles to a pine then south 242 poles to a pine Jacob Braswell's corner then by this said line west 220 poles to a poplar in Jacob Swamp then south by west 140 poles to a pine then to the first station, containing 650 acres, signed Jacob Braswell, wit Dun Lamon, (John ). Recorded Jun Ct 1762 (Edgecombe DB 1, Pg 280)

NOTE: These deeds appear to be Jacob & Elizabeth Braswell and their son Jacob Jr. Elizabeth's surname is not proved. Documentation of Elizabeth's surname solicited.

Related Link: Jacob Braswell: Edgecombe to Johnston to Cumberland

Thursday, October 1, 2009

* Jeptha Freeman, Habersham Co., GA 1839

1839 - January 3, Jeptha Freeman - Wife: Edith, Extrx. Son: John. Daughters: Lydia Hunt, Thena Adams, Elizabeth Catlett. To: Edith Adams, daughter of James W. and Thena Adams. Exrs: Ezekiel Catlett, Ezekiel McCravey. Wit: William Nix, Jr., Wadsworth Cloudy, J. J. Nix, J. B. Cloudy, Robert Hood. July 13, 1840 (Habersham Co. Ordinary Minutes and Wills, Book 4A p. 175, 1820 1850)

1840 - July 13, proved in Habersham Co., GA. Jeptha's will gave wife Edith 2 lots, son John, equal with Edith; 2 daughters, Lydia Hunt, Thena (married to James W. Adams), and Elizabeth Catlett. Witnesses swore to his signature of "Jeptha W. Freeman". (Minutes of the Court of the Ordinary, (1820-1850) Bk. 4A, D; pg. 175-176;)

Jeptha's wife Edith is the daughter of Valentine Braswell Jr & Elizabeth Pitts of Chatham County North Carolina.