Saturday, March 13, 2010
* David Braswell & Nancy Rutherford
1761 - July 24, William Bracewell entered 393 acres on the north side of Pigg Basket Creek, joining Bracewell's corner, Young's corner, Irby's corner, Robert Young. Wits: Dun Lamon, Geo. Brown. SCC: David Braswell, Wm. Hunt. (Edgecombe Co., NC. Nona Williams website)
1761 - September 22, Aaron Daniel Nuncupative Will: L4-4S to David Brasell. All wearing close (sic), tools, and saddle bags divided between David and Samuel Brassell. Taken before me (signed) Elisha Battle. Witnessed and proved Dorcas Powell on oath of D. Powell. Sept. Ct., 1761 (Edgecombe Co., NC. Posted @ rootsweb by Joyce Zachman)
1762 - January 26, William Braswell to Samuel Braswell 196 acres on the north bank of Pig Basket Creek adj. both parties and Wm. Hunt, Irby and Robert Young, it being part of a tract of 393 acres granted to said William Braswell by Earl Granville in 1761. Wit: James Hale, David Braswell. Recorded January Ct. 1762 (Edge. Co., DB 1 Pg 465. Nona Williams website)
1762 - March 23, William Braswell, Edge. Co to David Braswell, county aforesaid for 5 pds proc money, a tract on the north side of Stoney Creek beginning at white runs north 40 east 180 poles to a black oak then north along the said line to a pine then a line of new marked trees to red oak on the said creek then down the creek to the first station, signed William Braswell, wit Samuel Bridgen (proved), Benjn Bridgers. Recorded March Ct. 1762 (Edge. Co., NC DB 1 Pg 238 CTC)
1762 - September, Ordered jury to lay out road near Jno Hatchers plantation up the nearest & best way to the road near Whiteheads old store house from whence by the Falls of Arthur Whitheads mill swamp a little below the mouth of the Tarr with the new the (?nearest / inwardest?) & best way into Jeffries road about Francis Parkers - to wit: Jacob Whitehead, Simon Johnston, Robt. Mainor, William Anderson, Jno. Hatcher, (Sr?), Robert Rose, Hardyman Pope, John Sikes, Arthur Whitehead, Ebenezer Folsome, Henry Beckworth, Mathew Drake, Nath'l Drake, Fras. Parker, Isaac Hilliard, John Stallions, Jno Hatcher, Jr, Francis Jones, William Langley, and that the following hands work & clear the same, to wit: William Braswell, Sr., David Braswell, William Hunt, Ebenezer Folsome, William Daniel, Isaac Hilliard, Francis Jones, Mary Williams & that Henry Beckworth be overseer of the above hands from Jeffries Road to Whitehead's store & that the following hands work on the same road from the old store to Hatcher's Plantation, to wit: Jacob Whitehead, William Whitehead, Jno. Jenkins, Hardyman Pope, Wm. Langly, John Stallions, William Taylor, John Spikes, John Woodard, William Spikes, Thos. Spikes, Geo. Harral, West Pope, Simon Johnson, Elias Hilliard, John Hatcher, Jr., Robert Rose, Wm. Hicks, Robert Trevathan, Jno. Sikes, Robert Mainor, Jesse (?Freas/ Francis?), Aaron , Wm. Anderson, Joseph Philips, Sarah Ross, Thos. Pre***? & John Nails & that Simon Johnson be o'seer of same. (Edge Co., NC)
1762 - September 14, David Braswell & Nancy Ratterford (Edge. Co., NC County Court Records - FHL # 0296815-0296817
1762 - November 30, Samuel Braswell & Mary Williams Bondsman: David Braswell. Witness: John Spendelow. (North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868, Bond date 30 Nov.1762 BOND #000042967. Image # 008699, Edgecombe Co. Record # 01024. Nona Williams & Ruby Norton)
1763 - October 12, David Braswell and Nancy Braswell, his wife, Edge. Co to William Bizzell, county aforesaid for (160 pds), a tract on the north side of Stony Creek part of a Granville grant to William Braswell, Sr, dated 28 Feb 1743 and conveyed by him to the said David Braswell by deed 28 Mar 1762, beginning at a white oak on the run of the creek patent corner then running north 40 east 180 poles to a black oak then north 50 west to a pine then aline of new marked trees to the said creek a red oak then down the various courses of the creek to the first station, containing 400 acres, signed David Braswell, Nancy Braswell, wit Nathan Boddie, Micajah Thomas. Recorded October Ct. 1763 (Edge. Co., NC DB C Pg 86 NOTE: FILM HARD TO READ. CTC.)
1765 - October 13-14, John Wilson to David Braswell 200 acres in what was to become Newberry Co., South Carolina. (See 1789 deed)
1772 - January 6, William Bizell and wife, Hannah, Edge. Co to Richard Vick, county aforesaid for 160 pds VA, a tract on the north side of Stony Creek being part of a tract Granted to William Braswell, SR by patent 28 Feb 1743 and conveyed by David Braswell to said William Bizell on 23 Mar 1762, beginning at a white oak on said Stony Creek Run, the patent corner then north 40 east 180 poles to a black oak then north 50 west to a pine then along a line of marked trees to the said creek a red oak then down the various courses of the creek to the first station containing 400 acres, signed William Bizell, Hannah Bizell (X), wit Eb Tolson, Thomas Willis, (Wilson Clicke). Dower released. Recorded November Ct. 1772 (Edge. Co., NC DB 2, Pg 16 CTC)
1782 - April 19, David Brasil listed on "South Carolina Casualties" List of Murdered Loyalists. (Phil Norfleet's website)
1782 - November 8, David Braswell's estate. Lewis Clark and John Douglas bond for Russell Wilson Administrator. Wit: Patrick Gibson, Robert Anderson.
1782/3 - February 8, Appraisers Andrew Lee, Louis Manning, Thomas Gibson Sr. and Thomas Gibson Jr. White Hall, 96th District, South Carolina.
1785 - March 4, William Braswell of Nash Co., NC writes his will naming wife Margaret, sons Jacob, Arthur & Samuel, & daughters Patience West, Dorcas Hooks & Pattey Bridgers. Not mentioned are sons William & David who predeceased their parents and were not mentioned in the will. Witnesses were West Daniel, Micajah Braswell, Jacob Warrenton.
1789 - William Braswell of Newberry County, planter, to Samuel Waites of same for 10 pounds SC money, 200 acres in Newberry County on north side Saludy River adj. Andrew Lee, David McLaran, tract granted to John Wilson and conveyed to David Braswell 13 & 14 October 1765 and from him to his son William Braswell being his Heir in Law. William Braswell (seal) Wit: Jacob Harrell, John Waits, Jonathan Wates. Proved in Newberry County by the oath of John Waites 1 June 1789 before Philemon Waters, J.P. Recorded 18 August 1789. Newberry Co., SC, Deed Abstracts, A, 765-769. Lease and Release 29 & 30 May 1789.
1814 - May 16, orator sold to Thos. Riddlespurger for $1480.62 1/2 a tract of land in Newberry Dsit., called Stoney Battery containing 31 acres adj. orator, Francis Hatton, Jacob Hawkins & Wm. Braswell, dec'd. Thomas, after paying only a small part of the money, sold it to Wm. Braswell, now dec'd. Thomas Riddlespurger, in 1817, before his note came due left the state and resides in parts unknown to orator. Wm. Braswell died in 1816 intestate, left widow Susan and the following children: Rutherford & Allen of full age, David, Arthur, Polly, Betsey, James, William, Aaron & Nancy infants under 21. (Posted @ rootsweb by Gayle Braswell Ellison)
1818 - February 21, Bill for Discovery and Relief. filed 21 Feb. 1818. William Hawkins vs. George D. Lester, administrator of William Braswell, dec'd, Susan Braswell, Rutherford Braswell, Allen Braswell; and minors David, Arthur, Polly, Betsey, James, Williams, Aaron, Nancy Braswell by their guardian, Rutherford Braswell. (Newberry SC Equity Records, from Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2, by the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., Editor. Box #1, pk. #25: 1818. Posted @ rootsweb by Gayle Braswell Ellison)
Updated March 13, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
* Valentine Braswell & Jane Pope
1715 - June 22, Sarah Bryant to John Dew power of attorney to relinquish Dowery 640 acres to William Brasswell & 150 acres to Valentine Brasswell. Wit. Thomas Kirby Sr., Henry Wheeler. (Chowan #714 p.125)
1715 - July 16, James Bryant & Sarah Bryant to Valentine Brasswell 30 pounds 150 acres on west side Quonke branch above the Old Field, part of patent 1 Apr 1714. Wit. John MackNeille, Sarah Stewart. (Chowan #715 p.126)
1715 - July 19, Thomas Brown of Chowan and wife Christian to Daniel McDaniel, gift to son in law 100 acres adjacent old Tree Swamp. Wit. Jacob X Lewis. Val X Brasswell. (Chowan #755 p.177)
NOTE: Thomas Brown is the brother in law of Martha Braswell Brown Murphey.
1720 - Vall Brasel & Jacob Brassell with brother in laws Samuel Williams & William Murphy listed on NC Early Census Index (Albemarle Couny, Roanoke River, Dare County)
1721 - April 15, Valentine Brasswell and wife Jeane to John Cotton Esq power attorney to sell land on Urharra Swamp "the manor plantation of Valentine Brasswell to John Blackmon. Wit. Josiah Bridges Robert Patterson. (Bertie Deed A-64)
1721 - July 13, Valentine Brasswell of Chowan and wife Jane to "trusty and well beloved friend" Barnaby Mackinney power attorney to relinquish dower to John Pope of aforesaid precinct Wit. William Pope, William X Ledbetter. (#583 p.195)
1721 - July 13, Valentine Brasswell to John Pope of Chowan 10 pounds 200 acres adjacent Urohon Swamp & a small branch and is land where said Pope now lives. Wit. William Pope Wm X Ledbetter. (#584 p.185)
1721 - September 3, Valentine Brasswell & wife Jene to John Blackman 30 pounds 150 acres purchased of Jeames Briant patent 1 Apr 1719 now in possession of John Blackman on west side (Quonks) Branch. Wit. Jeames Bryant. Sarah Bryant. (Bertie A-63)
1721 - October 21, Mary Braswell of Albemarle purchased 190 acres for 20 pounds on the north side of Mehering River from William and Mary Collins of Nansemond. Wit. Joseph Darden, Matt Williams. (Chowan Deed C1 #1410 p.182)
NOTE: The above deed is evidence that Valentine's brother, William was deceased.
1722 - April 4, Valentine Braswell & William Braswell land case. Had petition for 640 acres lying at Urah Swamp but had allowed the claim to lapse by not settling on the land (Clarke, State Records of North Carolina, from Carey Bracewell)
1722 - December 3, Valintine Braswell and wife Jean to John Blackmon 50 pounds 440 acres adjacent John Pope, William Bryant, patent 9 March 1717/8. Wit. Samuel Williams, Nathaniel Piggott, John Cotton Atty. (Bertie A-61)
1723 - March Court, Speir v. Braswell. Debt. Attachment Original. John Speir comes to prosecute an Original Attachment granted to him by Christopher Gale Esqr Cheif Justice against the estate of Valentine Brasswell returnable to this Court wherein the said John complains that whereas the said Valentine oweth to him the said John and from him unjustly detaineth two hundred and ten pounds of porke and one five year old steer the same being due by bill under the Defendante's hand and that he suspects the aforesaid Valentine is removing in order to conceall and withdraw himself out of the Government, etc. (General Court, Higher Court Minutes, page 364, copy from Eunice Young)
1723 - July Court, Speir v. Brasswell, Vide page 321 Sect. 5. Discontinued per plaintiffe. And now here at this day came the aforesaid John Speir and prayed discontinuance of his attachment aforesaid wherefore it is considered that the said Valentine Brasswell may go hence without day and that the said John may be from hence in mercy and that he pay costs alias execution. (1709-1723 General Court Higher-Court Minutes. Page 402 Copy from Eunice Young)
1724 - July 28, Richard Braswell Will: Wife Sarah. Sons: Richard, Robert, Valentine, Jacob, John. Daughters: Martha Murfy, Ann Strickland, Jane Williams. Grand daughter Susannah. Extrx: Wife Sarah. Wit: Edward Powers Sr., Edward Powers. (IOW Co., VA BK II Pg 174)
NOTE: Son William who was married to Mary died 1720/21 in Chowan.
William's widow married Moses Ginn.
1726 - Moses Ginn and Wife Mary to John Power 50 pounds 300 acres on north side Meherring River adjacent William Bracewell. Wit. John Bonde, John Dew. (Bertie Deed B-188)
1727/8 - March 5, Currituck, Valentine Brasswel - listed in survey of west side of Nottoway River - At 150 chains from Do (Nottoway) Valentine Brasswel bore N. 100 yds. A journal or field book of the proceedings of the surveyors appointed for determining the bounds between the Colonies of Virginia and Carolina (Colonial Records of North Carolina, Volume 2, page 807)
1728 - May 28, Henry Pope Will: Wife Sarah. Sons: William, Henry, Richard, Jacob, John, Joseph, Thomas, Samuel. Daughters: Mary Williams, Jane Brassell, Morning Pope. (IOW Co., VA WB 3 Pg 127-128)
1729 - July 14, “Came before me Volintine Brasswell Planter & John Powers Merct, and acknowledged themselves to be indebted to our sovereign Lord King George the Second his heirs & successors in the penal sum of twenty pounds each to be leveied on their goods & chattles lands & tenants with condition that if the above bound Volintine Brasswell shall true and faithfully keep the peace of our Lord the King & all his Majestys Leige People & Expressally to Sarah Taylor who hath this day sworne the peace against him the sd Brasswell from the date hereof for & during the space of one year and a day......Acknowledged by John Dew who was apparently, from other court cases in Bertie County was the equivalent of a Clerk of Courts, (copy of original found in Colonial Court Papers. Criminal Papers - General Court, 1729 CCR 174 received from Carey Bracewell)
1729 - New Actions to November Court: Lane vs Brasswell - Case - Exd wth Surty - discontd - Val Brasswell to pay costs (Bertie County Miscellaneous Dockets, County Court, 1725-1790, Archives, Raleigh received from Carey Bracewell)
1730/1 - August 1730 Term (estimated date) Thursday 11. A warrent this day ret'd of Mr. Dew on a complaint of Thos Keary (Kirby?) against Val Brasswell J. Gluck?? is ref'd til the next court and that parties have notice to attend that day.
A warrant from Mr. Dew on complaint of Val Brasswell agat Thos Kearsey (Kirby?) was ret'd and ordered to be continued over to the next court and that the parties have notice to attend (USGenWeb Bertie County court transcribed by Phil Jones)
1740 - February 25, Jacob Braswell #335, Richard Braswell #336 and Valentine Braswell were jurymen for Bertie and Edgecombe Counties, NC (1740 Bertie-Edgecombe List of Jurymen - NC secretary of State, "The Colonial Records of North Carolina", Vol. 4, page 523+)
1744 - March 4, Sampson Williams to Samuel Williams 30 pounds 320 acres north side Tarr River & both sides of mouth of Cypress Creek where Valentine Braswell now lives. Wit. Mourning x Braswell. (Edgecombe 5-462)
1746 - October 6, Moses Ginn is listed for land entry in the Deep River area of Bladen County. Grant not ripened. (genforum)
1746 - October 6, Joshua Ginn sells 350 acres in Bladen County where he now lives to Valentine Bracewell. This land is on the SW side of Deep River beginning at the lower end of the great falls, running down E. Moseley. Money paid was ten pound paper. (genforum)
1748 - January 30, Valentine Bracewell surveyed 200 acres in Early Granville's boundaries in Johnston County "beginning at a pine in the fork of Middle Creek on the south side of Popular Branch..." Chain bearers: John Dover and Richard Bracewell (SS 680 Land Entries,
Warrants & Surveys, Johnston, 1746-1762)
1748 - November 17, Samuel Williams Will: Wife Jane. Sons: Sampson, William, Jacob, Samuel, George. Daughter Creese. Extrx: Wife Jane. Wit: John Pope, John Crudup & Morning Crudup. (Edgecombe Co., NC)
NOTE: Samuel Williams' wife Jane was the sister of Valentine Braswell.
1748 - December 5, Joshua Ginn and James Cone are listed as chainbearers for platted land purchased by William Burk on the Haw River area of Bladen County. (genforum)
1751 - November 22, "Surveyed for Thomas Davis a Plantation containing 640 acres of land lying in Johnston County in the fork of Middle Creek including the place Valentine Bracewell now lives on...(NC State Archives, Raleigh: Secretary of State, Granville Land Grants, Johnston County, SSLG 71-D)
1751 - November 22, 300 acres surveyed for John Smith of Johnston County, planter, on N side of Buckhorn Cr. Including place called Beartee. Saml. Smith & Richard Braswell CC (Survey lists Bladen County. SSLG 1100-D, also NC Patent Book 12:32)
1752 - Orange County formed from Bladen, Granville and Johnston Counties.
1753 - September, Richard Braswell and Valentine Braswell sued by William Burk in the General Court. The county noted is Bladen, with the further note: "Not to be found" and an alias was issued. (General Court Papers, Dockets, 1752-1753)
1753 - November 13, Valentine Brasswell, Senior enters 150 acres of land in Orange County on the south side of Walnut branch then across the Branch & up on bouthe sides for compliment including the improvements of Benjamine Clements.
Richard Braswell son of Volentine enters 640 acres of land in Orange County on the north side of New Hope crossing the Creek & down on bouthe sides for compliment between Bur Butons & --ropels (?) including the Dogwood Creek This entry had an X through it.
1753 - December 3, Warrant from Granville to Valentine Braswell, Senr. for 150 acres in Orange County beginning on the south side of Walnut Branch across the Branch & upon both sides for complement, including the improvements of Benjamin Clement. Entered November 13, 1753. On the reverse side: Valentine Braswell - New Hope. Col. Haywood & Tho
Davis to paye. Surveyed & Paid. Tho Davis Deed May 16th 1756. Orange 1753 (SS 701 Land Warrants, Orange, 1751-1754)
1755 - June 2, William Pickett 456 acres on Braswel’s line W crossing Beartree Creek to Parkers’s corner surveyed by Orange Co. Surveyor. Order to survey was dated February 26, 1755 for 640 acres on both sides of Parker’s Branch, the waters of New Hope, joining Rich Parker’s line and Valentine Braswell’s line. Granted July 24, 1760 (SSLG 97-M, also NC Patent Book 12:20 from Eunice Young and Carey Bracewell)
1755 - July 8, Thomas (X) Brigman to John Campbell, both planters of Cumberland, for 24 pounds sterling, 150 acres on SW/S of Cape Fear River on western prong of Lick Creek, about a mile or 2 above Beartree Creek at John Copland’s corner on E/S of sd creek, part of a 300 acre patent to sd Thos. Brigman, 6 March 1754. Wit: John Williams, Rchd. Bracewell (page 43, Book 1)
1755 - August 30, Richard Braswel & Ephraim Sizemore sworn chain carriers for 122 acres surveyed for Thomas Davis of Edgecomb County, gentleman, ten shillings, on Walnut Br. waters of New Hope including Clement's improvements, begin at a red oak, W crossing the branch several times 35 ch. to a pine, N 35 ch. to a forked red oak, E 35 ch. to a pine, S 35 ch. to first station, 122 acres, four shillings eleven pence rent per year. on May 10, 1756 (SSLG 88-K) (Ed Note: see also N.C. Patent Book 14:391) (Granville Proprietary Deeds and Surveys 1752-1760, Orange County, North Carolina, Vol. 5. Copy from Eunice Young and Carey Bracewell )
1755 - Richard Braswell 1 son, 1 slave; skip 9 names then Moses Ginn. (1755 Orange County Tax List)
1756 - March 9, At the end of the 1755 tax list it is stated: "I am of the opinion that there may be to the number of thirty who have concealed themselves and about twenty who have Inlisted themselves twice. March 9th 1756, Attested By Jas. Watson, Clerk Cut."
1756 - November Supreme Court, North Carolina, Salisbury Valentine Brazill, Senr., late of Orange County, Planter otherwise called Valentine Brazill Senr of the Province of North Carolina and County of Johnston Planter was summond to answer James render to him 50 pounds Virginia Currency...which he owes.....the said Valentine the twentieth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four at Rowan County....acknowledged in writing (copy of document - DSCR 207.324.1, Salisbury District Court, Miscellaneous Papers, 1755-1756, Folder #2, 1756) NOTE: See September 1766 - "put off docket" when not found.
1757 - May, Richard Brassell and Sampson Williams named "Securities" in James Willet vs Valentine Brazill by the Supreme Court (DSCR 207.320.1, Salisbury District Trial & Appearance Docket 1755-1756)
1765 - August, Volentine Braswell Senr to Volentine Braswell Junr for 214 acres, proved by William Yarborough (page 111b, Orange County Registration of Deeds. County Court, 1752-1793 from Carey Bracewell) NOTE: This is the date registered.
1766 - September, The case of James Willett vs Valentine Brazill was "put of the docket" after alias had been issued previously to Orange, Anson and Rowan Counties with "no effect" (DSCR 207.318.1, Execution Docket, Salisbury District Court, 1757-1767)
NOTE: The trail seems to run cold on old Valentine Sr. with the above record. No will or estate records have ever been found for Valentine or Jane.
Also note that they had been looking for Valentine in Anson county, which is where Richard & George Braswell signed the Regulator's Petition on October 9, 1769.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
* Valentine "X" & Patience Bracewell
Strong circumstantial evidence suggests that Valentine Braswell & his wife Jane Pope are the progenitors of the Orange County North Carolina Braswells. They did not leave any wills, but we can reasonably assume that they named a son Valentine. The second oldest Valentine appears to Valentine "X" who died in Wake County by December 1794. Evidence strongly suggests that Valentine Sr. was deceased by September 1766, therefore Valentine "X" would be referred to as Jr in what records are available to distinguish him from his father.
1762 - June 29, HENRY "H" BRASWELL, planter, 10 shillings, on S. side of Cape Fear River, begin at a red oak & a hicory called HECTOR McNEAL's corner by the river, along his line S70W 35 ch to a pine, S 55 chains to a pine, E 42 chains to a post on a line called BRASWELL, along his line N 47 ½ chains to a whit oak by the river, up river to beginning, 250 acres, ten shillings rent per year, surveyed 15 September 1761, RICHARD ADAM & VOLANTINE BRASWEL Junr., CC. (SSLG 85-B Granville Proprietary Deeds & Surveys (also see NC Patent Book 14:349) (Copy from Eunice Young & Carey Bracewell)
1764 - August, JOSEPH KIRK to WILLIAM BRASWELL, 375 acres, ackd. (p. 92, Orange County, Registration of Deeds, County Court, 1752-1793 from Carey Bracewell) NOTE: This is the date registered, not the date of the deed.
1764 - November, WILLIAM BRASWELL to VALENTINE BRASWELL (Jr) for 375 acres, proved by JACOB BRASWELL; Bill of Sale WILLIAM BRASWELL to VALENTINE BRASWELL proved by JACOB BRASWELL. (page 96b, Orange County, Registration of Deeds, County court, 1752-1793 from Carey Bracewell) NOTE: This is the date registered, not the date of the Bill of Sale.
1764 - December 2, Then Recd of ROBERT PATTERSON two pounds sixteen shillings & Eight pence Proc money in full of the notes taken of her Estate Test MARY (X) BRANTLEY. ROGER MARTEN VALN (X) BRAZWEL (Orange May Inferior Court 1760 (?) This Account of Sales was returned into Court by (blank) and ordered to be Recorded Test James Watson CC KBD)
NOTE: Mary Brantley, widow of Lewis is believed to be the sister of Valentine "X".
1765 - August, VOLENTINE BRASWELL Senr to VOLENTINE BRASWELL Junr for 214 acres, proved by WILLIAM YARBOROUGH (page 111b, Orange County Registration of Deeds. County Court, 1752-1793 from Carey Bracewell) NOTE: This is the date registered.
1767 - May, JOSEPH KIRK and VALENTINE BRASWEL Junr for 375 acres to SAXTON(?) proved by ABNER HILL (page 139, Orange County Registration of Deeds, County Court, 1752-1793 from Carey Bracewell) NOTE: This is the date registered.
NOTE: Abner Hill was the brother of Agnes Hill, who was the wife of Charles Harrington Sr. Their son, Charles Harrington Jr married Patience Braswell, daughter of Valentine "X" and his wife Patience.
1767 - VALENTINE BRASWEL and SAMPSON WILLIAMS are on the NC Early Census Index for Cumberland County, NC (
1768 - October 26, VOLENTINE BRACEWELL entered a claim--which was refused--for 100 acres in Cumberland County on the west side of Black Mingo Swamp, including his own improvements. CHARLES McCLAIN and JOHN JACKSON, chainbearers. (Carey Bracewell)
1770 - December 19, Petition for formation of a new county (Chatham) signed by VALENTINE “X” BRACEWELL, HENRY BRACEWELL (Legislative Papers, December 19, 1770-January 16, 1771)
1772 - October 7, VALENTINE BRASWELL obtained at least 150 acres on east side of Black Mingo and north side of Juniper Swamp. (See 1775 sale to Matthew Parker)
1772 - October 7, VALENTINE BRASWELL obtained 300 acres on the south side of Black Mingo and east side of Juniper. (See 1776 sale to William Godwin)
1775 - March 27, VALENTINE “X” BRASWELL of Duplin County sold to MATTHEW PARKER 150 acres in Duplin County on the east side of Black Mingo and the north side of Juniper Swamp including JOHN STOOLY lands improvements it being part of a tract of land obtained by BRASWELL by patent bearing date of 7th day of October 1772. Witnesses: JESSE
McINDON, THOMAS BASS, RICHARD BASS. (Copy of deed found in Deed Book 3, page 579 received from Carey Bracewell)
1776 - December 9, VALENTINE “X” BRASSEL of Cumberland County sold WILLIAM GODWIN of Duplin County 300 acres in Duplin County on the south side of Black Mingo and on the east side of the Juniper including his improvements. Land was granted to VALENTINE BRASSEL by patent bearing date of October 7, 1772. Witnesses: JAMES GODWIN, JONATHAN GODWIN, BETTY MARSDON (Duplin County Deed Book 3, page 579, copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)
1777 - List of Taxables, Cumberland County included GEORGE BRAZIEL, 160 acres, VALENTINE BRASIL of Captain Avera’s District, 100 acres.
1778 - August 4, VOLENTINE BRASWELL enters 200 A in Wake County lying on the north side of Middle Creek & on both sides of the Branch called Haw Branch including an improvement purchased of WILLIAM HONYCUTT. #483 (p.163 Wake County, North Carolina Land Entries 1778-1846 by Weynette Parks Haun)
1778 - November 7, VOLLINTINE BRASWELL received a warrant for 200 acres in Wake County on the north side of Middle Creek and on both sides of Haw Branch, including an improvement that he bought from WILLIAM HONEYCUTT. (Carey Bracewell)
1778 - December 2, VALENTINE “X” and PATIENCE "P" BRASWELL, both of Cumberland County sold to JONATHAN McPHERSON 100A on Black Mingo Creek including VALENTINE BRASWELL’s improvements. Witness: WILLIAM WILLIAMS. (copy of deed)
1778 - December 8, VOLLENTINE BRASSWELL enters 200 acres in Wake County joining his other entry & including the improvements whereon he now lives #780 (page 254, Wake County, North Carolina Land Entries 1778-1846 by Weynette Parks Haun)
1779 - January 2, WILLIAM HARVILL enters three hundred acres of land in Wake County, on both sides of Lick Branch joining his own line & the lines of JACOB UTTLEY, CHRISTOPHER WOODWARD & VALENTINE BRASSWELL 300: 50/: 7..10 Warrant Issued. #902. (Wake County North Carolina Land Entries 1778-1846 by Weynette Parks Haun)
1779 - May 27, VALENTINE BRASWELL received a warrant for 200 acres adjacent to his former entry in Wake County, "including the improvements whereon he now lives." (Carey Bracewell)
1779 - June 30, VALENTINE BRASWELL's two entries for 200 acres each were surveyed for him. The chainbearers were WILLIAM HARVELL and LEWIS JONES. (Carey Bracewell)
1780 - April 11, VALENTINE BRASWELL was granted two tracts of 200 acres each in Wake County, the first being on the north side of Middle Creek and both sides of Haw Branch, beginning at a post oak in WILLIAM HARVELL's line, the second joining his former entry beginning at a pine in his own line and adjacent to WILLIAM TAYLOR's line. (Carey
1787 - August 21, VALENTINE BRASWELL was bondsman for the marriage of JOHN STRICKLAND & SUSANAH MCGUFFEE in Wake Co., NC. (County Court Records at Raleigh, NC and FHL # 0296867-0296870 and 0418152 item 2)
1787 - 1792 Issued. Ordered that JOSEPH LANE Junr, be Overseer of the Road leading from the Dry of BRASELS Creek to the Long Branch and that the hands of WILLIAM THERELKEL?, JOHN THERELKIL? and JOSEPH LANE, Junr. work on said road. (Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes 1787 thru 1792, Book II by Weynette Parks Haun)
1789 - December, Ordered that ELIJAH WATSON as Overseer and hands RICHARD WOODWARD work on the new road that leads from LEWIS JONES's to BRASWELLS ferry as far as JOHN NORRIS's School House. (Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes 1787 thru 1792, Book II by Weynette Parks Haun)
1790 - VALENITIN BRASWELL Census Place: , Wake, North Carolina; Roll: M637_7; Image: 0156.
1791 - ..TINGNAL JONES's Esquire's to ICA. ATKINS's ferry beginning at BRASWELLS road unto SEAGRAVES's and that the following hands work on said road under him to wit MOSES WOOD, JOHN UTLEY, RICHARD HOLLAND, JOHN CHESURE and their hands. (Wake County, North Carolina County Court Minutes 1787 thru 1792, Book II by Weynette Parks Haun)
1791 - August 2, VALENTINE BRASWELL wrote his will, Wake County, naming wife PATIENCE BRASWELL. Witnesses: JOHN STRICTLAND & ISHAM STRICTLAND. Executors: PATIENCE BRASWELL, JOHN STRICTLAND, Jr., and AUGUSTUS TURNER. Proved by the witnesses December Term 1794 & recorded Wake County Deed Book D, page 67, May 27, 1797 (copy of will)
1794 – December 15, Inventory of the estate of V. BRASWELL, Decd. Presented by AUGUSTUS TURNER and JOHN STRICKLAND, proved in December Term 1794 & recorded in Wake Co., Book D, page 67
1797 - May 27, VALENTINE BRASWELL’s will & inventory of the estate recorded in Clerks Office in Wake County Book D, page 67 (copy of will & inventory)
Updated March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
1807 Georgia Land Lottery
William Brasel (orphan)
Nathan Brassel
Sarah Brassel (widow)
Elizabeth Braswell (widow)
Jacob Braswell
Kendred Braswell Junr.
Robt. Braswell (son of Kindred Braswell Sr.)
Samuel Braswell
Samuel Braswell Senr.
Valentine Braswell
Willis Brazeal
Jno. Brazwell (orph. of Jas. Braswell)
Benjamin Brazzel
Frederick Brazzel
William Brasel (orphan)
Nathan Brassel
Sarah Brassel (widow)
Elizabeth Braswell (widow)
Jacob Braswell
Kendred Braswell Junr.
Robt. Braswell (son of Kindred Braswell Sr.)
Samuel Braswell
Samuel Braswell Senr.
Valentine Braswell
Willis Brazeal
Jno. Brazwell (orph. of Jas. Braswell)
Benjamin Brazzel
Frederick Brazzel
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