Monday, October 31, 2011

Susannah Burgess Braswell's Sons: Richard & William

1714 – October 22, Susannah Braswell, Upper Parish, Isle of Wight Co., VA, wrote her will . . . . "I GIVE & Bequeath unto my Son Richard Braswell and to his Heirs the plantation I now live upon with Sixty Acres of Land I say to him and to his heirs for ever & ever I give and bequeaath unto my Son William Braswell my Old Plantation House with fforty Acres of Land joining to it out of the Hundred Acres in all " . . . also naming grand daughter Elizabeth Braswell, daughter Ann, grandson John Riggs and son James Braswell. Executors: William Allen, Richard Jones, Richard Jordan. (IOW CO., VA WB 3 PG 304)

1731 - December 25, Richard Braswell of the Lower Parish of Isle of County Planter to Richard Jordan Sr of the Upper Parish of Isle of Wight County, 60 acres for 150 weight of Tobacco & Cask beginning at a Path called Shears Neck running from the Coblers Branch adjoining to the dividing Line of William Braswell running up to the Line of James Sampson deceased from thence down the Branch to the first station. Recorded September 26, 1732. Richard (mark) Braswell. Robert Cannon, Richard Jordan Jr, Mary Jordan. (IOW CO., VA DB 4 PG 201)

1739 - February 19, THIS INDENTURE made the 19th Day of Febry Anno Dom: one Thousand and sever Hundred & Thirty Nine between Richard Jordan of the County of Isle of Wight of the one part and John Jordan of the aforesd: County of the other part WITNESSETH that the sd Richard Jordan for & in Consideration of the sum of five shillings Current money of Virginia . . . hath Bargained and sold . . . unto the sd John Jordan . . . one Certain Tract Containing Sixty Acres lying and being in the County aforesaid formerly in Tenor and Occupation of Richard Braswell And bounded according to the Common know (sic) and reputed bounds thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD . . . During the Term of one whole Year from thence next Insuing . . . . . . . Richard Jordan (Seal)
Sign'd Seal'd & Delivered in presence
Nicholas Bourden
James Jordan (mark)
John Harrison

(Immediately following is the release deed, dated February 20, 1739, and in which the consideration is set at "five pounds Current Money and Six pounds in plank & Shingles." Same witnesses. Bourden and James Jordan presented the deeds to the Isle of Wight County Court for recording on February 25, 1739) (IOW CO., VA DB 5 1736-1741 PG 435-436)

1764 - December 9, William Braswell of Isle of Wight County to Peter Bocock, consideration 20 pounds current money of Virginia, 40 acres, more or less, beginning at a pine a corner tree that parts John Jordan and William Braswells Land down the Main Road to Harrison's Branch so runing up the said Branch to Samuel Wilson's Line so running along the said line to John Jordan's line so runing along the said line to the first station. Recorded March 7, 1765 William (W) Braswell. Wit: Samuel Wilson, Thomas Wrenn, Francis (F) Wrenn (IOW CO., VA DB 11 PG 268)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

William Braswell, IOW Co., VA, 1764

This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of December one thousand and seven Hundred and sixty four Between William Braswell of the County of Isle of Wight of the one part and Peter Bocock of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Braswell for and in consideration of the sum of twenty Pounds Current Money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Peter Bocock the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath Granted Bargained and sold aliened and Confirmed and by these presents doth grant Bargain and sell unto the said Peter Bocock his heirs and assigns for ever all Tract or Parcell of Land Situate lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight Containing by estimation forty Acres be it more or less and bounded as followeth Beginning at a Pine a Corner Tree that parts John Jordan and William Braswell Land down the Main Road to Harrisons Branch so Running up the said Branch to Samuel Wilsons Line so Running along the said line to John Jordans line so running along the said line to the first Station and also all Woods and Underwoods Pastures Commodities Advantages Hereditamints Ways Waters and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage above Mentioned belonging or in any wise Appurtaining and also the Reversion and reversions Remainder and Remainders rents and Services of the said Premises or any part thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said William Braswell of in and to the said Messuage Tenement and all and Singular the said premises above mentioned and every part and Parcell thereof With the Appurtenances and the said Peter Bocock his heirs and assigns to the only Proper use and behoof of the said Peter Bocock his heirs and Assigns for ever and the said William Braswell for him and his heirs the said Mesuage or Tenement and Premises and every part thereof against him and his heirs and against all and every other Person and Persons Whatsoever to the said Peter Bocock his heirs and assigns shall and will Warrant and for ever Defend by these Presents in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the Day and Year above Written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in presence of ~ } William his W mark Braswell L.S.
Wm. Goodson
Samuel Wilson
Thomas Wrenn
Francis his F Mark Wrenn
Memorandum that Quiet and Peaceable Possession and S---in of the Land and Hereditaments within Mentioned to be granted was had and taken by the within Named Peter Bocock ~ According to the form and Effect of the Within Written Indenture
Wm Goodson William his W mark Braswell
Samuel Wilson
Thomas Wrenn
Francis his F mark Wrenn

(Isle of Wight co., VA DB 11 Pg 268-269)

NOTE: This William Braswell is the son of Susannah Burgess Braswell and he is selling the 40 acres he inherited from her in her will. This William lived in Isle of Wight and is NOT the William Braswell in Nash Co., North Carolina.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Micajah Braswell, Nash Co., NC 1795

This Indenture made this 29th day of January one thousand seven hundred & ninety five between ~ Micajah Braswell of Nash County & State of North Carolina of the one part & Robert Wilson of the county & State aforesaid of the other part witneseth (?) that the said Micajah Braswell for & in Consideration of the Sum of forty pounds to him in hand paid before the sealing & delivering --- of the -- --- whereof he -oth Acknowledge hath given granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth give grant bargain & sell unto the sd Robt Wilson a certain tract or parcel of Land Lying and being in the County & State aforesaid & bounded as follows beginning at a pine in Edward Wilsons line thence runing --- to Braswells corner a pine thence south to a gum in Braswells line thence next to a pine in Edward Wilsons line then to the first station containing by Estimation eighteen acres be the more or less to have and to hold this parcel of land With every benefit priveledge & appertainance to them by proper use benefit & behoof of him the sd Robert Wilson - his heirs & assigns forever the sd Micajah Braswell doth by these presents warrant & defend the title of property of the sd land & premises unto the sd Robert Wilson his heirs & assigns forever In witness whereof the sd Micajah Braswell hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written
signed sealed & Delivered} Micajah Braswell {Seal}
in presence of} Nash County Feby Term 1796
Joseph Strickland} The within Deed was in open Court duly provd
Henry Strickland} by the Oath of Joseph Strickland and ordered to be Registered
Test -- H-ll C-
And is Registered By -- Mearns Reg

(Nash Co., NC DB 6 Pg 147)

Micajah Braswell, Nash Co., NC, 1795

This Indenture made this 13th day of August 1795 between Micajah Braswell Hunt of the County & state of No Carolina & Benjamin Whitfield of the County & state aforesaid Witnesseth that the said Micajah Braswell Hunt for and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred Dollars in hand paid by the said Benjamin Whitfield the Rect whereof the said Micajah Braswell Hunt doth Acknowledge & hath bargained sold & confirm'd unto him the said Benjamin Whitfield his heirs Execrs Admrs or Assigns forever all that tract piece or parcel of Land lying & being in the County & state afore Sd beginning at a black Oak Thomas Willis's Corner thence running the said line to Thomas Hunter's line East 180 pole to a corner white Oak thence along Hunters other line to Revels line No 212 pole to a corner hickory thence along Revels other line East to said Whitfields corner on the So line- No 170 pole to David Stricklands line thence West along the Said Stricklands line to a corner pine thence West to Robert Wilsons line thence along Wilsons line to Hunters Corner pine thence So along Hunters line 300 pole to a corner white Oak thence long Hunters other line West 96 pole to Wi-s's corner thence along the said line to the beginning Containing by estimation three hundred & Twenty two Acres be the same more or less & also the revertion or revertions remainder or remainders rents or servises of the sd premeses & of every part thereof & all the the Estate right title & Interest claims & Demands whatsoever of him the sd - Micajah Braswell Hunt of & is the said (?) land and premeses & every part & parcel thereof to have and to hold the said Land & premeses with the appertainces thereunto belonging to the sd Benjamin Whitfield his heirs & assigns forever and the sd Micajah Braswell Hunt ---- for himself his heirs & Assigns Warrant & forever Defend the bargained premeses against all Lawfull Claims whatsoever to the sd Benjamin Whitfield his heirs & Assigns forever by these presents in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day and date first above Written
Signed Sealed & Delivered} Micajah Braswell {Seal}
in presence of us} Nash County August Court 1795
Ja Williams------ the within Deed was in open Court duly prov'd
Daniel Powell------ by the Oath of James Williams & ordered to be Register'd.
Test Wm. Hall CC
and is Registered
By W. - Mearns Re--

(Nash Co., NC DB 6 Pg 107-108)

NOTE: Throughout the deed Micajah is referred to as Micajah Braswell Hunt but he signs his name Micajah Braswell. No doubt he is Samuel Braswell's son.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

William Braswell Jr, Nash Co., NC 1839

This Indenture Made and entered into on this 25th day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine between Colman Woodard of the one part and William Brassill Jr. of the other part, both of the County of Nash and state of North Carolina Witnesseth that the said Colman for and in Consideration of the sum of thirty Dollars to him in hand paid at and before the signing Sealing and delivering, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and himslf therewith fully Satisfied, hath Bargained and sold and by these presents doth hereby Bargain, sell, convey, conferm and deliver unto him the said William Brassell a Certain Parcel or Tract of Land lying & being in the County aforesaid on the waters of Pigbasket adjoining the Lands of Joseph Griffin, William Bunting the Heirs of Francis Drake & others, Containing by estimation two hundred eighty seven & a half acres be the same more or less which said Land was allotted to Nancy Beckwith & sold by virtue of a Deed of Trust from Sion Beckwith husband of said Nancy to Saml L Arrington as Trustee Conveying only the Right of said Sion unto the said Colman, by the said Samuel Trustee & which said Right Title & interest in and to the said Deeded premises the said Colman Woodard for himself his Heirs Exrs Admrs & assigns will well and truly warrant and truly defend unto him the said William Brassill his Heirs Exrs Adms & assigns forever In testimony whereof the said Colman Woodard hath hereunto set my hand and Seal on this the day and date first above written.
Signed Sealed and}
delivered in presence of us} Colman his X mark Woodard {Seal}
unreadable name}
B- Blount}

State of North Carolina} Court of Pleas & quarter Sessions
Nash county} May Term 184-
The foregoing Deed of sale was duly proven in Open Court
by the Oath of Henry Blount one of the subscribing Witnesses
thereto & ordered to be registered
Attest BH Blount CCC
And is registered in obedience thereto
By Jno W W Drake P -

(Nash Co., NC DB 16 Pg 536)

Friday, October 7, 2011

John Edwards, Isle of Wight Co., VA 1748

Isle of Wight County

In the Name of God Amen. I John Edwards of the Isle of Wight County ~ being very Sick and weak of Body but of Perfect Memory thanks be to God for the same; Remembering the Mortality of my Body do give and Bequeath in this manner following First I Bequeath my Soul to God who gave it and my ~ Body to be Buried in decent manner according to the ~ Discretion of my Executors. And with what worldly Goods ~ God hath been pleased to Endow me with I give and Dispose of in manner and Terms following ~ Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son John Edwards all the Land that I hold on the lower side of the little Swamp, I ~ say to my Son John Edwards and his Heirs forever. ~ Item. I give to my Daughter Ann Edwards the Use of all ~ the Land that I hold on the upper Side of the little Swamp during her Natural Life ~ Item. I likewise give my Land on Deep Creek to be Sold for Money for the Use of my Daughter Ann ~ Item. I give to my Son John Eight Stears that I bought at the Widow Hart's ------, and Eight Stears more at the Widow Cullpeper's, and all my Debts, except the Debt that Peter Johnson owes, which I give to my Daughter Ann to repair her Houses/ the abovesd. Stears and Debts I Give to pay my Debts with all ~ Item. I Give to my Daughter Ann four Stears at fishing Creek for her Famiy's Use ~ Item. I Give to my Daughter Ann all the Stock of Cattle and Hoggs that belongeth to the plantation whereon I now dwell. Item. I Give to my Daughter Ann my Riding Horse, and my large Bay mare ~ Item. I give the Use of my Negro Girl called Cate to my ~ Daughter Ann during the Life of my Daughter Ann, and after my Daughter Ann's Decease, the Negro Girl and her Increase to be Equally divided between my Son John & my Daughter Mary ~ Item. I give to my Son John the Grey - Horse which he has now in possession ~ Item. I Give and Bequeath all my Stock of Cattle & Horses which I have not already will'd away to be equally divided between my son John and my Daughter Mary ~ I Give to my Wife Ann Edwards my Negro fellow ~ called Mingo to be Delivered the last of December ensuing the Date ~ Item. I give to my Wife Ann one large Iron Pott. ~ Item. I likewise give to my Wife Ann all the Money and ~ Goods which she has already carried away from me & disposed of. I do hereby Constitute and Appoint my son John Edwards and Henry Harris my whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament ~ I do hereby Nominate and Appoint my Brother Nathaniel Edwards Trustee to see this my Will performed. Witness my Hand and Seal this 27th day of April 1748 ~

Test. Chaplin Williams} JEdwards {Seal}
Thos. Taylor, Harris his X mark Taylor}

NOTE: Circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that this John Edwards was the 2nd husband of Ann Braswell, widow of Matthew Strickland Jr.