Wednesday, June 24, 2009

* Jacob Brasil, Camden Dist, SC 1784

South Carolina

I have caused to be admeasured and laid out unto JACOB CHERRY a Tract of Land containing Two Hundred Acres Situate in the District of Camden, on Springs of Gum Swamp, West side of Wateree River in the Fork, and hath such form, marks, buttings and boundings as the above
Plat Represents ----
Jas. Bredin, Dep. Survr.
Certified for 5th October 1784 Ephraim Mitchell, S.G.

The survey map shows JACOB BRASIL's Land on one side, vacant land on both sides of JACOB BRASIL's. On the 4th side of JACOB CHERRY's plat is COL. JOSEPH KERSHAWs Land and ISAAC ROSS's Land.

South Carolina Archives