Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Whitaker, John, Will IOW Co., VA 1689

Contributed by Carey Bracewell

The Nuncupative Will of John Whitaker

The deposition of Mary Collins aged fifty yeares or thereabout being Sworne Sayeth That John Whitaker, as I Conceive about fourteene dayes before his death did Say that the Child of peter fiveash, for which he stood godfather should have the one halfe of his Estate the other halfe of his Estate to be divided betwixt those that did looke after him in his sicknesse: the other halfe of the halfe to bury him.

Sworne to in open Court Mary (mark) Collings
Janry the 9th 1689 Test:
John Pitt Cl Cur

The deposition of James Briggs aged twenty one yeares or thereabout beinge Sworne sayeth that what is before Expressed by Mary Collings: is true: but the tyme before his death he sayd the words was about fewer months.

Sworne to in opne Court held for James Briggs
the Isle of Wight county Janry the 9th 1689
Test John Pitt ClCur

The deposition of JOHN RIGGS aged fifteene yeares the twenty third of ffebruary next beinge Sworne sayeth that what is before declared by Mrs Mary Collings is true.

Sworne to in open Court held for JOHN (mark) RIGGW
the Isle of Wight County Janry the 9th 1689
Test John Pitt ClCur.


NOTE: John Riggs is 14 years old and testifying in court as a witness for Susannah Burgess Braswell's mother Mary Collins.

In 1692 John Riggs was the legal executor of Richard Towle's will at age 17.

Click here for info about legal age in Colonial law

Numan, John, Will IOW Co., VA 1695

Contributed by Carey Bracewell

In the Name of God Amen, I JOHN NUMAN of ye Isle of Wight County in Virginia . . . doe make and ordain this my Last Will and testamt . . .

I doe give . . . unto my dean and Lo: Wife RUTH NUMAN all my wearing App[arell both linnen & woolen and one third of all my personal Estate

Item I give . . . . unto my Son THOMAS all my Land and plantation commonly Called and known by ye name of Cookes Quarter, adjoyening to JNO SCREW's plantation, being accounted one hundred twenty five Acres More or Less as itt bounded, and to ye heair:ex of his body Lawfully begotten, and in default of such heir:ex to my Daughter ISSABELLA and her heirs Lawfully begotten for Ever

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter ISSABELLA one third pt. of al my prsonnal Estate

Item I give & bequeath unto Wm HOLDIN one young Cow with Calfe and one young Sow wth pigg when he is free

Item I constitute and apoint my dear & lo: Wife RUTH Sole Executx of this my Last Will & Testam: Revokeing all former Will or Wills by me made in Wittnesse heereof I have heerunto Sett my hand and fixed my Seale this 11th day of December 1695.

Sign'd Seal'd & Deliver'd JNo NEWMAN (signed and sealle)
in presence of us




RECORD OF WILLS, DEEDS, ETC. VOL. 2, 1661-1719, PAGE 368

Ann is the daughter of Susannah Burgess Braswell.

Her husband John Riggs Sr. is identified as "loving friend" and executor in Richard Towle's will, which suggests that Ann was an older child of Richard Towle.

Monday, January 21, 2008

William Braswell - Counterfieting

Contributed by Carey Bracewell

North Carolina Archives, CCR 149, Folder 1719, "Colonial Court Papers. Civil & Criminal Papers,1711-1719" :

"The information of Esther Kirby taken this 23d Jan.ry 1718/9

This inform:t Smith that on the 16th of this ins.t W.m Braswell Came to her house & Delivered two Publicke Bills of ye Province one for ffifteen Pounds & the other for Eight Pound and Desired she would Carry them down to Court to Colo.l Moseley & gett them changed for Smaler Biles {if they were good} but if not to return them to him again. And the s.d Brasswell Said he receive:d them from one Joseph Durden.

Esther Kirby

The Information of RIchard Washington taken this 23.d Janry 1718/9---

This informat. Saith that on the 16th of this Ins.t Wm Brasswell Came to the House of Esther Kirby & Delivd to her two Publick bills of this Province one for fifteen Pounds and the other for Eight Pounds and Desired she would Carry them down to Court to Colo.l Moseley & gett them Changed for Samler Biles {if they were good} but if not to return them to him again, and the sd Brasswell said he receivd' them from one Joseph Durden

Richard Washington

By the Hon.ble the Governor

North Carolina ss.

Whereas Informats have been made to Me that Wm Brassel and Joseph Durden have lately utered Several forged Biles of Credit of this Province.

THESSE are therefore in his Magestys Name on Sight hereof to Comand you to apprehend the sd Wm Brassil and Joseph Durden and them to bring before me or the Cheif Justice to answer the sd Information and for so doeing this shall be your Cov.nant Given under my hand this 29th day of Jan.ry 1718

To the Deputy Marshal Charles Eden or Constable for the Westerne Shore of Chowan - - -"


Braswell and Darden posted 200 pound bail bonds for the passing counterfeit rap (30 July 1719) and Darden was judged innocent. Evidently William was too. He was released "by Recognizance" for the Constable Washington assault by the General Court of Oyer and Terminer on 28 July 1719 {"The Colonial Records of North Carolina", pp. 407-498}...WILLIAM was true billed for assaulting Constable WASHINGTON by the Bertie grand jury at the November, 1720 session but wasn't fined and placed on probation until the following March...there are no more surviving records concerning WILLIAM after the March 1721 date...


Richard Braswell, Edgecombe Co, NC Court Records

Edgecombe County Court Minutes
, 1744-46 (C. R. 037.301.1, Archives)
p. 38...

22 May 1745 - Ordd that the late Sheriff Capt Jas Speir pay to HARDY CANE L4 procl Money for the great Trouble & Expence he Hath been at in Executing his office of Constable in Detecting some Money Coiners.

Mr. Haywood one of the Members of this Court acquaintd the Bench that he had issued a Search Warrt agt one RICHd BRASWELL for passing and uttering false Coine and had accordingly ordered HARDY CANE a Sworn Constable to apprehend the said BRASWELL and to search his house for Counterfeit money & the materials for making it, & that the Constable HARDY CANE had Exed the Warrt and had also brought the sd BRASWELL here to be Examd, thereon and that the Constable had also found some Counterfeit money and he believed some materials for making of it in the sd BRASWELLs House therefore desired the matter may be Examined into by the Court.

Accordingly the sd RICHARD BRASWELL was ordered before this Court & appeared and HARDY CANE the Constable who Executed the Warrt also appeared and brought with him a small Cagg or Barrel which contained several little Wooden Moulds with some Brass & Pewter Mettle, some Chalk & Borax, the sd CANE was theron Sworn & his Deposition taken as also the Examination and Confession of the said RICHARD BRASWELL.

It is thereupon Considered and Ordered by the Court on hearing the sd CANEs Deposition as also on hearing the Deposition of JHON CHAMBERS taken before Mr Haywood that the sd RICHd BRASWELL stand Committed and Sheriff is hereby Ordd forthwith to convey the said RICHd BRASWELL to the Publick Goal (sic) at Edenton and deliver the sd RICHd BRASWELL to the Keeper thereof to be kept unitll he shall be thence discharged by due Course of Law.

Ordd that the sd HARDY CANE Give Secuty as an Evidence &c in the Sum of L20 Proc &c And accordingly the sd HARDY CANE as principal in L20 Proc & JAMES CANE as Secuty in the Sum of L20 like money &c Ackd

Ordd that the sd Cane carry with him the Barrel with the materials found in it money &cc.

Colonial Court Papers, Criminal Papers, General & Assize Gourts, 1745-1749. (CCR 178, Archives, Raleigh)

Examination of JOHN CHAMBERS taken one oath before me JOHN HAYWOOD one of his Majestes Justices for the County of EdgeCombe assigned this Examinant Saith that Aboute Six Weake laste paste he Did see some spainish miled peices of Eight & half peices of Eight and some pistereans maid of putter and the moulds they where Caste In and Did verrely bleive that oald Mr RICHARD BRASWELL was the Coiner of them and that the sd BRASWELL had uttered and paste Some of the aforesd fals Money to Coll ANDREW MEADE in Virginia and that there was no Silver In the sd Coins by him Caste and Uttered & paste as aforesd and that there is at this presente time a Considerable quantity of the afresd fals Money now In the possestion of the aforesd BRASWELL - taken before Me this 20 Day of May 1745.
Jn Chambers (singned)
Jn Haywood (signed)

Whereas I am Credible Informed one oath of JOHN CAMBERS that RICHARD BRASWELL SENIOR has paste & Uttered false money Knowing it to be Such & has Considerabl quantity of fals quine Now In his House with the Molds the sd fals Money was maid InThese are therefore In his Majestes Name to Comand you one sight hereof to attach the body of him the (sic) BRASWELL & him In Your Costody to Keep till you Deliver him to the Generall Courte of Sessions for this County and You are Likewise to make Search for sd fals money & molds & them with you to bring to the sd Courte to be further Dealt with as law shall Derecte & this Shall be Your Warrent Given under my hand & Seale this 20 Day of May 1745.
Jn Haywood (signed)
To any lawfull officer
to Execute & Return

Edgecombe County - The Deposition of HARDY CANE Constable Sworn Saith that he received a Search Warrt from John Haywood Esqr one of His Majestys Justices in Commission of the Peace for Edgecombe County aforesd the Twentyeth of this Instant May against one RICHARD BRASWELL That his Dept Executed the sd Warrt the Next day on the sd RICHARD BRASWELL who told this sd Dept that the was right welcom to Search his house, and accordingly this Dept went into sd BRASWELLs house where sd BRASWELL took Keys out of his Pocket and told this Dept he might search every where & any Chest he had in the house, the sd BRASWELL accordingly opened his Chests & bid this Dept look into them, he did & found nothing in them concerning what he searched for, Then this Dept went to sd BRASWELLs storehouse but found nothing in the lower Room, the sd BRASWELL then ask'd this Dept whither he would not go up in the loft above and accordingly brought a Ladder, & the sd BRASWELLs Wife came into the Store & told the Dept She would go up first because there was some Honey and he might spil it, and accordingly she went up first and this Dept immediately followed her and as soon as Mrs. BRASWELL got up in the loft he the Dept saw the sd Mrs. BRASWELL put her foot against the little barrel (now produced on the Table) & Slide it away & put some old thing up & threw upon the barrel, and there was a Chest in the loft wch he felt in, being very dark but found nothing, but having a Mistrust this Dept went to the Barrel and asked Mrs BRASWELL what it was & felt in the barrel, & felt a parcell of wooden Moulds & other stuff in it, and then handed it down to one Thomas Price who was below in the Store, & he Immediately went down and Examined what was in the barrel wch the sd RICHd BRASWELL look'd strange at and admired how these things came there, & looking further into the barrel he, this Dept found Three Counterfeit pieces in likeness of Prtuguese money, one peice in likeness of a Sapnish peice of Eight & two small peices in likeness of Pistereens which he now produced. That the Depont went afterwards into said BRASWELLs dwelling house where there was a Desk wch sd BRASWELL opened and found nothing in it but a Paper in wch the Dept Say'd that the sd BRASWELL told him that what was in the Paper belong's to HUGHS & was the Truck they made use on for runing the peices of money aforesd. Then the sd BRASWELL took two baggs of money out of his Chest, & out of one of them he took Three peices wch this Dept took to be Counterfeit & now produced them. That this Dept coming along with the sd RICHd BRASWELL to this Court last Night he the sd BRASWELL told him that he had pass'd some money to Colo MEAD several years agoe which he thought was not Good, but That Colo MEAD Say'd, if that was not good money he did not know which was Good. The sd BRASWELL also told this Dept that he sometime agoe asked one HUGHS and one CLIFT whither they could make any money Genteely, That CLIFT answered he could and accordingly he made some which sd BRASWELL did not like, and that one of them (HUGHS or CLIFT) said they could make money as good as any if they had Ingredients, upon which the sd BRASWELL sent his Son to Williamsburgh and gave him forty shillings to buy Ingredients to run this Silver money seemingly by his discourse but that his Son could not get any.
Any further this Dept Saith not

Hardy Cane (signed)

N. B. the foregoing deposition of HARDY CANE and statement of RICHd BRASWELL are all one document in these papers. The mark of RICHARD BRASWELL is the only example of his own mark that I know of and closely resembles clerks' copies of his mark on some of his deeds.


Colonial Court Papers, Criminal Papers, General & Assize Courts, 1745-1749 (CCR 178, Archives, Raleigh)

Bond of HARDY CANE as a witness in the case of RICHARD BRASWELL SENr
21 May 1745

Bond of RICHARD BRASWELL for his appearance at next General Court at Edenton to answer charge of uttering and passing false coin - L500. proclamation Money.
Peter Payne & Will Askill sureites each in L250.
20 July 1745

On reverse:

Do Jnr L250
Augt 5th 1745

N. B. The above bond represents a typical BRASWELL trick; there is not a signature on it and the marvel is that it was accepted as binding. Presumably Payne and Askill welshed out and the son (Ditto Junior) and Nephew (?) (son of JANE ( (BRASWELL)) WILLIAMS?) came to the rescue.

Bond of JECHONIAS YANCEY as a witness to give "Evidence . . . against RICHARD BRASWELL of and Concerning his Making his Escape oute of his Costody being a prisoner for fellonias fourging of Coine"
Jno Haywood (signed)
25 July 1745

July General Sessions 1745 - To the Honble Enoch Hall Esq Chief Justice and the rest of the Justices of the Grand Sessions now sitting -

The Jurors of our Sovereign Lord the King upon their Oath present that RICHARD BRASWELL of Edgcomb County in the Province aforesaid (North Carolina) Planter not having God before his Eyes but being seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the eight Day of April in the Eighteeth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord King George the Second &c at Fishing Creek in the County of Edgcomb afsd did falsely and traiterously forge Counterffeit and Coin four pieces of Brass and Pewter and other mixed Metals to the resemblance and likeness of the good & lawful Silver Coin of the Kingdon of Portugal called Six hundred & forty Rais Pieces, and four Pieces of Brass and Pewter and other mixed Metals to the resemblance and likeness of the good & lawful Silver Coin of the Kingdom of Spain called pieces of eight and three Pieces of Brass and Pewter and other mixed Metals to the resemblance and likeness of the good and lawfull Silver Coin of the same Kingdom of Spain called Piastrins, which said Silver Coin of the Kindgoms of Portugal and Spain aforesaid was then and now is Current Money of the Dominions, Colonies and Plantations of Our said Lord the King to the great prejudice and deceit of the Subjects of Our said Lord the King and against the Peace of the said Lord the now King his Crown and dignity &c and also against the form of the Statute in that Case made and provided.
Jos: Anderson Atty Genl

General Court Papers - Dockets - 1737 - 1745 - 1746
(CCR 126, Archives, Raleigh)

July General Session, 1745 - References

Case No. 1 - Doms Rex vs RICHd BRASWELL
Recog for his appearance for uttering false coin
Hardy Cane, Jechoniah Yancy & Jno Chambers, King's Evidences Deft appd - Bill returned Ignoramus - cont'd
October General Sessions, 1745 (p. 15lb)

Case No. 33-Dom: Rex vs RICHd BRASWELL
Recgd for his appe for uttering false coyn-Virdit not Guilty

Cases No. 34 & 35 are the discharges of Jechoniah Yanc and Hardy Cane as Evidences against RICHd BRASWELL


October General Sessions, 1745 (p. 180b)

Case No. 33-Dam vs RICHd BRASWELL
Recogd for his apprce for uttering false Coin

"Deft appd Arraigned &c - pleads Not Guilty & for Tryel put himself upon God his Country &c Jury Sworn &c Say we of the Jury do find the Deft Not Guilty neither that he fled &c

From the files of Carey Bracewell

Woodard, James, Will Nash Co., NC 1808

Contributed & transcribed by Pal Spencer

In the name of God Amen

I JAMES WOODARD of the County of Nash and State of North Carolina, being of sound disposing mind & memory (blessed be God) do make and ordain this my last Will and testament (hereby revoking all others) in manner & form following to wit.

Imprimes, I lend to my beloved wife MARY WOODARD during her natural life all my land & plantation & at the expiration thereof I give & bequeath the same to my grandson COLEMAN WOODARD (son of AARON WOODARD) to him & his heirs for ever. Also I lend to my wife MARY one negro man by the name of Robin & at her death I give & bequeath the sd negro Robin to my son AARON WOODARD to him and his heirs forever I lend also to my wife MARY WOODARD during her life two feather beds and furniture, one chest one Table & all my Kitchen furniture, one Sorrel Horse, two cows and calves, one sow & pigs (& give her as many fat Hoggs as will be sufficient to support her and family one year) one Cart & wheels, one plow well fixed for service, with good gear, And at the expiration of her life my will and desire is that the aforesaid property be divided in the following manner (viz) three fifth parts be equally divided between my three children namely AARON WOODARD, ELIZABETH HOLLAND & KIZIAH MASINGALE, & two fifths between the children of my two daughters, SARAH DANCE & MOURNING JACKSON.

Item, I give and bequeath to my grandson HENRY WOODARD (son of DAVID WOODARD) one feather bed without furniture to him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son DAVID WOODARD one Dollar and no more.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son DANIEL WOODARD one Dollar and no more.

Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY HUNT BRASWELL nineteen Dollars which I have already paid & have to pay for her.

Item, I give and bequeath to the children of my son DAVID WOODARD each of them forty shillings Virginia Currency a piece to be put out on Interest till they arrive to the age of twenty one years.

And after my just debts being paid, my will and desire is that the rest and residue of my Estate (including my Mill) be divided in the following manner, viz., my three children, namely AARON WOODARD, ELIZABETH HOLLAND & KEZIAH MASINGALE to have three fifths parts, equal in division and the other two fifths to be equally divided between the children of my two Daughters, SARAH DANCE & MOURNING JACKSON, except one cow and yearling now in his possession which I give to my sd Daughter MOURNING & no more & one Dollar also which I give to my sd Daughter SARAH DANCE & no more.

And I hereby make and ordain my friend JAMES WILLIAMS & my son AARON WOODARD Executors to this my last will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this 13th of February 1808. Interlined before signed}

Sign’d Seal’d publish his

And declared in the JAMES X WOODARD (Seal)

Presence of us mark








This my Codisel I here unto Ennox unto my Will

Item, I give unto KEZEKIAH MASINGALE one Bed and furniture To her and her heirs forever.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my grand Son JAMES DANCE one Bed and furniture to him and his heirs for Ever.

Signed in presence of us; his



This Eighteenth Day

His February 1808



Nash County } The foregoing will and codicil was duly proven in open Court & ordered to be recorded by the oath of WM. BODDIE a subscribing Witness to each & on Motion ordered to be Record

Attest Wm. Hall, CC

And is Registered in obedience to the above order

Attest Wm. Hall CC

* Bird William Brazill Will Hancock Co., GA 1844

Contibuted to Foy Braswell's Library
by Gayle Ellison


I, BIRD W. BRAZILL---being advanced in age---to secure to my children and after their death to my grandchildren---

my daughter LAMENTATION shall include---


I give to WILLIAM RACHEL in trust for the use of my daughter NANCY MINTON---

I give to ALSEY BRAZILL in trust for the use of my son MANSFIELD and wife during their joint lives---

I give to ALSEY BRAZILL in trust for my daughter MARTHA MINTON---

I give to WILLIAM RACHEL in trust for the use of my daughter LAMENTATION---

I give to ALSEY BRAZILL in trust for the use of my son WILLIAM and wife during their life---

I give and bequeath to my son ALSEY BRAZILL & his heirs---

to my granddaughter M.A.E.D. LORING---

my six children---six equal shares---the lot recently given to my granddaughter by deed to be valued and the value to be placed to the share that may fall to my daughter LAMENTATION her mother.

21 August 1844. signed BIRD W. BRAZILL

Deed Book Q, Hancock Co, GA (Sparta, GA) 1813 - 1850, page 207.

Page 21-: BIRD W. BRAZILL late of Hancock County, died. Inventory made 21 July 1845.

Book of Records "R" 1850-1854, page 73: DAVID LORING received payment in full for the distribution share of his wife in said estate. 4 March 1851.


From Pal Spencer:

1764 – BYRD WILLIAM BRASWELL born in North Carolina – gave age as "about sixty-nine years" on his January 7, 1833, RW pension application

1776 – May 5, Enlisted at Chatham County, NC for 2 ½ years

1778 – October, discharged

1778 – November 20, JOHN WOMMACK entered 386 acres on the south side of Cape Fear, crossing Fall Creek, adjacent the County line. HENRY BRAZILE and BYRD BRAZILE chain carriers. File #125 dtd 20 Nov 1778, grant #124 issued 20 Aug 1779, surveyed 1 Feb 1779. Recorded in Book 30, p. 124 Chatham Co., NC (List 2/24/2000 from Carey Bracewell who received it from Glenda

1779 – February 20, HENRY BRAZWELL entered 100 acres on the waters of Bush Creek, Cumberland Co., NC, joining BIRD WILLIAM BRAZWELL's line and the Chatham County line.

1784 – May 24, BYRD BRASWELL, N.C. Private, 228 acres, GA (Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants)

1785 – BIRD BRASWELL, 400 acres in Wilkes Co., GA (Book HHH, page 603)

1790 – October 8, BIRD BRASWELL of Chatham County, NC sold 100 acres adjacent to JOSEPH YARBROUGH's land near the Cumberland Co. line to WILLIAM PARHAM. Witnesses: JOHN WOMMACK, NICHOLAS HARDEN (Copy of deed from Carey Bracewell)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mary Unknown, Mother of Susannah Burgess Braswell

Records contributed & transcribed by Carey Bracewell

[1680-7 Jun] Mary Skinner - Land Dispute

Mary (mark) Skinner of ye Runnes in Isle of Wight Co., widdow
TO: George Cripps of Blackwater in Isle of Wight Co.
Consideration: 600 pounds weight of good & sound merchantable Tob & Cask

1300 Acres of Land in Blackwater of which sd Mary Skinner is now seized in her own proper use & behoof of & in all ye before mentioned Land of a good absolute & indefeazable estate in fee simple as she ye sd Mary Skinner had by guift or grant of & from Joyce Cripps her late Sister deced & Wife of ye sd George Cripps.

Dated: June 7, 1680 Recorded: September 9, 1680

Acknowledged by Mary Collins, who was Mary Skinner

Witnesses: Edward Poynter, Thomas Smyth, Danl (Dp) Palmer.

Memo. written on backside, that ye day & year wth in written before the sealing & delivery of ye wth in written Indenture the wth in name Mary Skinner did enter into ye house wherein ye said George Cripps now liveth being pte of the wth in mentioned prmises & therein & thereof did take peaceable & quiett possession by way of Livery & seizen in name & lieu of all ye wth in premisses & yt afterwards being soe peaceably & quietly possessed to ye use of her selfe heires, etc. ye same did afterwards deliver unto ye sd George Cripps by way & in manner & forme afforesd to hold to him ye sd George Cripps forever according to ye purport Tenor & true intent & meaning of ye wth in written Identure in prsence of Edward Poynter, Thomas Smyth, Daniell (Dp) palmer



[1680-8 Jun] George Cripps

George Cripps of Blackwater in Isle of Wight County
TO: Mary Skinner of ye Runns in sd County widdow
Consideration: Certain quantitie of Tobo

All his Estate right Tytle Interest possession clayme & demand wt soever of in or unto A certeine divident of Land situate, lying & being in Blackwater aforesd in Isle of Wight conteyning One hundred Acres of Land, now in ye Tenure holding possession or occupation of ye sd George Cripps.

Dated: June 8, 1680 Recorded: September 9, 1680

Witnesses: Edward Poynter, Thomas Smyth, Danll (Dp) Palmer



[1680-2 Aug] John Collins - Land Transaction

John (mark) Collins in ye upper parish of Isle of Wight Co., planter and Mary (m) his wife

Whereas ye said Mary by ye name of Mary Skinner of ye Runnes in Isle of Wight County widdow by Indenture under her hand & seal lawfully executed bearing date ye 7th day of June in ye two & thirtieth year of ye Reigne of Charles II, did for ye consideration in ye Identure mentioned grant bargain aliene & sell unto George Cripps of Blackwater in said County, planter all her estate right title interest, etc. of in and to a certain divident of Land situate lying & being in Blackwater aforesd conteining by estimation 1300 acres of Land & whereas ye said John Collins hath since ye executing of ye sd Indenture taken to Wife ye sd Mary Skinner soe ye same cannot according to ye custom of Virginia be recorded & acknowledged by & in ye sole name of ye sd Mary Skinner but must be done in ye name of ye said John Collins & Mary his wife, this is to confirm said former deed.

Dated: August 2, 1680 Recorded: September 9, 1680

Witnesses: Ja: Powell, P. Wall



[1691-22 Jan] John Collins Sr. - Wife Beater

It appearing to this Courte that JOHN COLLINS SENr hath lately most desperately beaten, bruised, & wounded MARY his wife, insomuch yt it was expected she would have lost her life thereby (as alsoe between whom former strife & contention hath been) for prevention whereof for the future, It is ordered that the sd COLLINS pay & allow his sd Wife five hundred poinds of toto: forthwith, & one thousand pounds of tobo: in October yearly for ye tyme to come, for the sd MARY her mainteyance (if she finde cause) To live separate & aparte from her husband, wth Costs ats Exo

ORDERS BOOK, 1693-1695, PAGE 51

Mr. THO: TABORER agst. JNo COLLINS SENr Defendant appearing & standing mute at the bar, Order is granted plaintiff agst. the present sheriff for 3585 lbs. of tobacco due by bill denied by defendant & proved by oath of Mr. THO: MOOR.

IBID., Immediately following the above.


[1694-Oct] Susanna Bracewell for looking after Mary Collins

Octobr. 1694

Upon ye petn of Bridget Lewis, she has order agst. Jno. Collins senr. for 500 lb. of tobo: for ye care & pains taken by ye sd Lewis in ye cure of ye sd Collins his wife with Costs ats Exo.

DEED BOOK 1, ORDERS 1693-1695, PAGE 50

Octobr. 1694

Order is granted Susanna Brasewell agst. John Collins senr. for foure hundred pounds of tobo: for looking after ye sd Collins his wife in her late extemity when she was beaten by ye sd Collins with costs ats Exo.

DEED BOOK 1, ORDERS 1693-1795, PAGE 51


Visit the link below for useful information about women and Colonial Law. Notice that Mary could not own, buy or sell without her husband John Collins even though the land had come from her sister, Joyce Cripps.

"Generally speaking, a wife could not acquire or own real or personal property. Her husband, as the head of the entity, owned whatever was his wife’s. Any property she brought into the marriage, or which she inherited during the marriage, were immediately vested in the married couple and therefore became her husband’s for all practical purposes."

Colonial Women's Rights

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Johnson, John, Will IOW Co., VA 1703

Contributed & transcribed by Carey Bracewell

I JOHN JOHNSON of the Isle of Wight County in Virga . . . . Doo make . . . . my last Will & Testamt in manner followeth . .

Item I give & bequeath to Daughter MARTHA fifty acres of Land . . . and all ye rest of my Land . . . . I give & bequeath to my Sonne JOHN JOHNSON . . . .

Item I give & bequeath all my household goods att Blackwater to my Daughter MARTHA, & to my Sonne JOHN to be equally divided between them two, only two Dishes & two plates more to my Sonne JOHN than to my Daughter, and my long Gun I give to my Sonne JOHN & pistolls & Holsters & Rapier & Rideing Saddle and all my weareing apparrell both Lynon & Woolen.

Item I give & bequeath to my above sd Daughter & Sonne one shilling apiece of last wifes Estate to Cutt them off from any part or parcell of it.

Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter PATIENCE JOHNSON Six Heiffers four of two yeares ould & two of One year Ould, one feather bed & Boulster two Blanketts & A Rugg & five sheep.

Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter MARY a feather bed furnished as it is now standing, & Six Heiffers, Four of Two Yeares Ould & two of one year ould & five sheep & a Horse Colt of Two yeares Ould.

Item I give & bequeath all ye remaineing part of my Estate to my Dear & loveing Wife MARY makeing her my sd loveing wife my whole & sold Exrs of this my last Will & Testamt in Testimony of all wch I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this 7th day of Janry 1703

JOHN J JOHNSON (his mark and seal)

Signed sealed & published & declaired in presents of Proved in open Cort held for ye Isle of Wight County ye
Isle of Wight County ye 9th of Augt 1707 by ye Oaths of
SARAH LUP (mark) granted to the Exrs therein named
SUSANNA B BRACEWELL (mark) Ordered to Record Teste Cha Chapman Cl Cur

RECORD OF WILLS, DEEDS, ETC. VOL. 2, 1661-1719, PAGE 484

NOTE: Sarah Lupo is the daughter of George Branch & Ann England who was the daughter of Captain Francis England who was married to Susannah's aunt Joyce.

Kindred, Samuel, Will IOW Co., VA 1728/9

Contributed by Carey Bracewell

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN January the 25th 1728/9 - - - SAMUEL KINDRED of the lower parish of Isle of Wight County . . . Do make . . . this my last Will and Testamt . . . . . (167) my Desire is that my Dear and Loving wife shall be my whole and Sole Executor . . . my Son JOHN KINDRED Shall have my Land that we Call the Punshen house begining at the mouth of the Ready Branch and so up the Branch to the Branch that we Call the Long Branch that comes out of BLUNTS Swamp to the Line my will is that my . . . wife MARY KINDRED . . . Shall have my Plantation that we now live on during her natural life and after her Decease to my Son SAMUEL KINDRED to have it the Land belonging to it is from the mouth of the Bridge Branch and So Down Rousey Swamp till the Courses abt. medway between CHARLES PORTERS old going over and the White Oak Branch and So from their a Steight Corse to the Branch that JAMES BRASSELLS path goes over and So Keep on their to the Line my Will is that if my Loving wife MARY shall Marry that my Son SAMUEL Shall have the Liberty to Live on this Land or Some part of it as they shall agree themselves my Will is that the Plantation that JOHN WILLIAMS lives on with 135 acres of Land belonging to it Shall be Sold for money to pay Mr WILLIAMS

ITEM my Will and Desire is that the remaining part of my Land Shall be Equally be divided between my Two young daughters SARAH KINDRED and FAITH KINDRED only the Land that is in Surry County that my Mother Doth live on my Will and Desire is that my Daughter JANE KINDRED Shall have my Hole right & Title of it.

ITEM my Will & Desire is that my Son JOHN KINDRED Shall have all the Cattle that We do Call his and a young Mare about two or three years old and a feather Bed and Two Blankets and a Sheet & Bolster and Two pewter Dishes and a pewter Bottle and a Sow & piggs and that he shall be for himself at Eighteen years of Age & receive all these things that I have Gave him . . .

ITEM my Will and Desire is that my Son SAMl. KINDRED Shall Have all my Carptenters Tools only a Handsaw and that he shall have Two Cows and Calves and that he Shall have Two Sows and piggs and that he shall have a Young Horse abt. Two Years old and one pewter Dish & Two plates & Dozen of Spoons (168) and that he shall be for himself at Eighteen years of Age & receive all this that I give him . . .

ITEM my Will and Desire is that my Daughter JANE KINDRED Shall have my Young Mare that is at Home here and a Cow and Calf and a Loom after my Dear & Loving wifes Deceasse and a New Spinning Wheel that we Do Call hers . . . I give her Two Ewes besides . . .

ITEM my Will is that my Daughter MARY KINDRED shall have One young Mare ands One Cow and Calf and Two Ewes and a Dozn of Spoons and a New Pewter Dish and one plate . . .

ITEM my Will and Desire is that my Daughter CATHERINE KINDRED Shall have one Cow & Calf and One Ewe and Six Spoons. . . A Bible . . .

ITEM my will and desire is that my Daughter ELIZABETH KINDRED Shall have one feather Bed one Bolster and a Blanket & Sheet and Six Spoons . . .

ITEM my Will and Desire is that my Daughter SARAH KINDRED Shall have one Cow and One Ewe and One Sow and piggs and Six Spoons . . .

ITEM my Will and Desire is that my Daughter FAITH KINDRED shall have one young Mare and One Ewe and Two pewter Dishes and two plates Six Spoons and One Heifer abt. Two years old and One Sow and piggs . . .


Att a Court held for Isle of Wight County the 23d Day of June 1729

The last will and Testamt. of SAMUEL KINDRED Deced was presented in Court by MARY KINDRED Execrx therein named who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of the Witnesses thereto is admitted to record

Test James Ingles ClCur

WILL BOOK 3, 1726-1733, PAGES 166-168

(The estate of SAMUEL KINDRED was appraised on August 22, 1729, by MARTIN MIDDLETON, JOHN RACHEL (?), and SAMUEL ATKINSON. Their appraisal was recorded on December 22, 1729, at page 187)

Related Links:

Susannah Burgess Braswell's son James

Susannah Burgess Braswell's son James, more

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Will of Richard Towle 1692 IOW Co., VA

In the name of God Amen I Richd Towle of the Isle of Wight County being very sicke & weake, but thanks be to almighty God of Sound & perfect memory doe make & ordaine This my last will & Testamt first I give my soule to God my maker in sure & certain hope thro the merrits of Jesus Christ my Redeemer the forgivenesse of all my sins & my body to the earth from whence it Came, and as for my worldly goods I give as followeth. Impris. I give & bequeath unto my three youngest children of Susanna Braswell, Richard, William and Elizabeth Braswell all my whole & sole estate to be equally divided between them & to be possessed of their Parte as they Shall attain to the age of seaventeen yeares of age. Item I do request & appointe my loving friend John Riggs my Exor.r in trust to see that the estate soe given by me to the aforesaid children be duly & truly delivered to them at the yeares above exprest, & that he see my debts & funeral charges payd, soe revoking all former Wills I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 5th day of 9ber 1692.

IOW Co., VA W&DB 2 P. 323

Note: In addition to the obvious documentation that Susannah Braswell was the mother of at least 3 children of Richard Towle, we learn from this will that Richard, William & Elizabeth were born AFTER 1675, because they were under age 17 in 1692.

Click here to see an unsmudged & unaltered copy of the notorious Towle Will

Robert Bracewell Jr. 1650 - 1696

From Foy Braswell's Library
Records contributed by Carey Bracewell

[1673-3 Feb] Robert Bracewell - 100 Acres of Land

Robt Bracewell of Isle of Wight County in Virginia, planter

TO: James Bagnall of said place, planter

Consideration: Valuable sum of Tob. & Cask

100 acres of Land situate lying & being in the County aforead & bounded as followeth Viz begining att a small white Oak on ye Dam side it being the first corner tree expressed in A Lease by the sd Bracewell granted to Jno Williams & from ye sd White Oak runing down ye Dam side to A small branch of ye sd Dam close by ye sd Robt Bracewells Orchard & dwelling house that is now on his Land, & for length it is to run Westward into ye woods bounding on ye South side of ye sd Branch, & on ye sd Jno Williams his lyne of marked trees from ye foresd White Oak on first mentioned station, till ye sd One hundred Acres of Land be fully compleated . . . . . upon reasonable request to him made he will acknowledge this prsent deed and Conveyance in the Isle of Wight County Cort or Nanzimon Cort.

Dated: February 3, 1673 Recorded: February 9, 1673

Witnesses: Robert Ruffin, John (mark) Paine



[1674-1 Mar] Robert Bracewell - Sale of Land

Robert Bracewell, planter

TO: James Bagnall

For the consideration of fifteen Thousand pounds of Tob & Cask as also ye divident of Land wth the appertenances that James Bagnall before ye signing & sealing of these prsents.

All my right tytle & interest, to ye whole divident of Land, wth all houseing fenceing houses orchards building & Edifices and all other appertenances thereto belonging & apperteyneing That my late deced ffather Mr Robt Bracewell Clerk lived on & gave unto me, as by deed of Guift & last Will may appear conteyning three hundred Acres.

Dated: the last day of March 1674 1674 Recorded: April 9, 1674

Witnesses: Robt Ruffin, John (mark) paine.



[1674-31 Mar] James Bagnall - Land transaction

James Bagnall, planter & Anne (A) Bagnall, his wife

TO: Robt Bracewell

Consideration of ye plantation ye Wm Toley now dwelleth on & ye Land thereunto belonging being by estimation one hundred Acres Reced of Robt Bracewell before ye signing & sealing hereof. The plantation & Land thereto belonging that I now dwell upon & given to me by my deceased ffather Mr Roger Bagnall, it being by estimation one hundred Acres.

Dated: Last day of March 1674 Recorded: April 9, 1674

Witnesses: Robt Ruffin, Jno (mark) paine.



[1674-29 Aug] Robert Bracewell - Land Transaction

Know all men by these prsents yt I Robt Bracewell of ye County of Isle of Wight doe hereby impower depute & authorize Mr James Bagnall of ye same County planter my true & lawfull Attorney Irrevokable, for me & my name to acknowledg in the Cort of Isle of Wight A certain Deed of sale of one hundred Acres of Land unto Jno perry of ye sd County aforesd wch Deed bearth date wth these prsents, hereby confirming & alloweing his Act therein to be good & effectuall in Law to all intents & purposes as if I my selfe did psonally appear to acknowledge the same.

Dated: August 29, 1674

Witnesses: James Webb, Simon Jones.


Robert Bracewell, sonne of Robt Bracewell Minister, late of ye Isle of Wight County deced.

TO: Jno perry Junr of Isle of Wight County

Consideration: 7000 lb. of merchantable Tob. & Cask

All yt messuage or tenemt formerly belonging unto James Bagnall & now in the sd Bagnalls occupacon (yt is to say) ye one hundres Acres of Land purchased formerly of Thomas Hinson out of A pattent of three hundred Acres belonging to Jno Seward.

Dated: August 29, 1674 Recorded: 9th day of 7br 1674

Witnesses: James Webb, Simon Jones.


(Conveyed by John Perry to Joseph Bridger, Nov. 7, 1674, W. & D.B. I, Vol. 1, page 320


[1696-27 Mar] Robert Braswell - Power of Attorney to wife Susana

These prsents wittnis ye I ROBt BRASWELL of ye Isle of wight County in verginia doe Constitute & appointe my Loving wife SUSANA BRASWELL to be my Lawfull attorney for me and in my name to procecute and sue all such persones as are in debt to me and to answer to all suites which I have Depending in ye Isle of wight Courte in wittnis heare unto I Sett my hand this 27 day of march 1696.



DEED BOOK NO. 1, 1688-1704, PAGE 202