Friday, December 18, 2009

Joseph Brazel, Orangeburgh Dist., SC 1785

1783 Orangeburgh WILLIAM ROBERTSON vs WILLIAM DUNBAR Admor of BRAZEL. Filed 25th March 1783 April 5th 1785 Recd for Jud. COLHOUN, Pltf. Atty The price for the Plantuiff one hundred & Eighteen pound With Caust of ____ DANIEL KELLY for man

The State of South Carolina to all and singular the Sheriffs of the said State, Greeting: You, and each of you, are hereby commanded, without Delay to Summon WILLIAM DUNBAR Admor of all and singular the goods & Chattels, Rights & Credits which were of JOSEPH BRAZEL deceased, wheresoever he may be found within your and each of your respective Districts, so that you compel him to be and appear before the Justices of the said State, at the Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Charleston on the first Tuesday in January next, to answer to WILLIAM ROBERTSON in a Plea of Tresspass on the Case and so forth, for that the said JOSEPH BRAZIL in his lifetime converted & disposed of the Goods & Chattels of the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON to his Damage Two Hundred Pounds sterling Money. And have you then and there this Writ. WITNESS The Honourable Adams Burke Esqr appointed Justice at Charleston the fourteenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four and in the ninth Year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. Colhoun Pltfs Atty Exd. by Wm. Mason, (A printed form with blanks filled in)

The State of South Carolina to the Sheriff of Orangeburgh District, in the State aforesaid, Greeting: WHEREAS at a Court of Common-Please, holden at Orangeburgh the fif teenth day of April ____ Instant WILLIAM ROBERTSON did implead WILLIAM DUNBAR, Administrator of JOSEPH BRAZEL in an Action of Trespass in the case to which said Action the Defendant made Default, and thereupon the Court gave Judgment for the said WILLIAM But because it is unknown what Damages the said WILLIAM hath sustained in the said Cause, by Reason of the Premises: Therefore, it is commanded, that you immediately summon Thirty Men, drawn by Ballot pursuant to the Act of General Assembly, in that Case made and provided, then and there forthwith to enqire what Damages the said WILLIAM hath sustained; and that you forthwith make due and true Return thereof, at the said Court now sitting; And have you then there this Writ. WITNESS The Honorable HENRY PENDLETON Esqr one of the Judges of the said Court Orangeburgh the twenty sixth Day of April in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and in the ninth Year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. Colhoun

(A printed form with blanks filled in)

I have by ROBERT SMITH my lawful Deputy Servd the within Deft. With a true copy of the within writ with a notice thereon indorsd. DANIEL TATEMAN Sheriff

Fees 1.10 pounds Sworn to before me this 3d day of January 1785 JAMES CARMICHAEL

And now at this day to wit the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five to which day the said WILLIAM DUNBAR had leave to answer to the Declaration aforesaid of the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON before the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas of the State aforesaid comes the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON by his Attorney aforesaid and prays that the said WILLIAM DUNBAR may answer to the Declaration aforesaid and the said WILLIAM although solemnly required doth not come nor say anything in Baror preclusion of the Action aforesaid of the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON but hath made Default by which He remains against him undefended wherefore he ought to Recover his Damages sustained by reason of the premises but because it is unknown what they are Therefore it is Commanded that the Sheriff of Orangeburgh District do summon Thirty good and lawful Men to be drawn by ballot pursuant to the Direction of the Act of the General Assembly of the State aforesaid to be and appear before the Justices or Justice assigned to take asizes in the said District on this Day at Orangeburgh aforesaid to make a Jury according to the Act aforesaid to inquire what Damages the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON hath sustained by reason of premises and soforth.

___ which say before the Honourable (blank space) Esquire one of the Justices of the State aforesaid assigned to take asizes in the District aforesaid comes the aforesaid WILLIAM ROBERTSON by his Attorney aforesaid and the Sheriff aforesaid having made due return of the Writ of Inquiry aforesaid and the jurors thereby legally summoned impannelled and sworn pursuant to the Act of the General Assembly having found that the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON hath sustained Damages on account of the premisses over and above his Costs and Charges in His behalf to one hundred and Eighteen pounds. Therefore it is considered that the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON do recover against the said WILLIAM DUNBAR as administrator aforesaid his Damages so found by the Jurors aforesaid And also ten pounds sixteen shillings and six pence Sterling for his Costs and Charges by him expended about prosecuting his Suit in His behalf to the said WILLIAM ROBERTSON by the Court here adjudged at his Request which Damages amount in the whole to one hundred and twenty Eight pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence and be the said WILLIAM DUNBAR in mercy and soforth Judgment Signed 8th June 1785

Contributed by an anonymous researcher.

This Joseph Braswell is believed to be the son of James Braswell of Edgecombe Co., NC with a will dated September 20, 1760.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Marion Co., SC Deeds

- March 2, Indenture. Stephen Gibson of Georgetown District SC to Henry Brasswell of same place for L30 sterling 100 acres being part of 204 acre tract NEs Little Pee Dee River binding on Hase Swamp being the N part of the 204 acre tract ... plat annexed ... granted 1789 to Stephen Gibson Grant Book A, No. 5, P. 174. Signed: Stephen Gibson. Wit: William Hooks, Danl McDearmid. Proved before Valontine Rowell, JP, 8 February 1789. Rec & Ex 3 April 1811. Thos Harllee, RMC (E 314-316)

- April 15, Indenture. Sampson Powell of Georgetown District to Henry Brasswell of same place for L30 sterling 150 acres NEs Little Pee Dee River binding on Hayses Swamp ... SW, SE, NE to state line ... granted in 1789 to Sampson Powell. Signed: Sampson (his mark) Powell. Wit: James McWilliams, Elias (his mark) Powell. Proved before Lewis Harrelson, JP, 25 August 1798. Rec. 13 April 1811. Thos Harllee RMC. (Marion Co., SC DB E Pg 317-318)

- January 20, Samuel Peacock to James Brasswell in consideration of 5 pounds sterling paid by Jas. Brasswell sold unto James Brasswell a piece of land of 20 acres on Jumping Gully in the fork of Jesse Winslows Mill Swamp. Samuel Peacock. Witnesses: Holloway Abbott, Jesse Winslow. Probated by Jesse Winslow 10 February 1798 before Valentine Rowell, J.P. (Abstracts of Marion County SC Deed Books "O" and "P" Pg 133-134)

1798 - January 29, Holloway Abbott to James Braswell in consideration of 25 pounds sterling paid by James Brasswell sold unto James Brasswell a certain piece of land containing 157 acres beginning at a gum in branch etc being part of two tracts of land granted to Holly Abbott 19 February 1791 lying on both sides of Jumping Gully. Signed: Holloway Abbott. Witnesses: Jesse Winslow, John Abbott. Probated by Jesse Winslow 10 February 1798 before Valentine Rowell. (Abstracts of Marion County SC Deed Books "O" and "P" Pg 132)

1814 - June 17, Stephen Gibson of Glen County Georgia, planter to Archibald McCormage of Marion District planter for $60 tract adjacent North Carolina line, Henry Braswell & Wm Hooks on contrary swamp 100 acres granted to Stephen Gibson. Signed: Thomas Harllee attorney for Stephen Gibson. Wit: Charity (her mark) Coward, Riley Kersey. Proved before Hector McNeill, JP, 27 July 1814. Rec. & Ex. by Thos Harllee, RMC, 1 August 1814. (Marion Co., SC DB F 212-213)

1816 - October 1, Edward Campbell of Marion District to Neill McCormage of Robeson Co., NC, for $600 367 acres where I live, waters of Hasy swamp line running SE, NW, N, Braswells line NW, SW, NW, SW, NW, NW, SW to Mill branch SE, NW to Mill branch up Branch to a gum, NW, being 1 tract granted to Stephen Gibson for 200 acres part of 1 tract granted to Edward Campbell for 100 acres & part of tract granted to Duncan Campbell the whole joining each other containing 367 acres. Signed: Edward (his mark) Campbell. Wit: Daniel Campbell, Thos. Harllee, CCP. (Not probated) Rec. & Ex. 22 October 1816 by Thos. Harllee, RMC. (Marion Co., SC DB F Pg 367) KBD

1816 - October 11, Indenture. Colen Edwards to William Powell for $50 150 (acres?) on NEs little Pee Dee being part of a grant to Stephen Gibson transferred to Richard Edwards & from Edwards to his father Samuel Edwards & then left to his son Colin in his last will & testament the land being on the Widow Hooks line S to Stephen Butler line E to Jordan Powell N to beginning. Signed: Colin (his mark) Edwards. Wit: Tobias Brasswell, John McCormaig. Pr before Daniel Campbell, JP, 29 March 1817. Rec 14 October 1823. (Marion Co., SC DB K Pg 196)

1817 - November 3, Jethro Deans to Henry Blanchet indenture made between Jethro Deans of Georgia and Henry Blanchet of South Carolina Jethro in consideration of $170.00 paid by Henry Blanchet sold unto Henry that tract of land containing 177 acres more or less conveyed by two deeds both are dated 29 January 1798 one for 20 acres and the other for 157 First conveyed from Holloway Abbott to Jas. Brasswell Second from Samuel Peacock to said Brasswell (above date) signed Jethro Deans. Witnesses: Ebenezer Thompson, D. Carmichael, J.P. Probated by Duncan Carmichael before J.B. Hays, J.P. 15 October 1831. (Abstracts of Marion County SC Deed Books "O" and "P" Pg 134-135)

1819 - June 10, Nathan Butler of Marion District to Peter MacCormick of same place for $130 137 acres adjacent William Braswell on Ns runs SE through long Bay corners in a flat, S adjacent William Butlers line W near Huckleberry Bay 137 acres granted to William Butler. Signed: Nathan (his mark) Butler, Elizabeth (her mark) Butler, William (his mark) Butler, Stephen (his mark) Butler. Wit: Greenwood (his mark) Watson, Archibald McCormaig. Pr before Herod Stackhouse, J.P. 5 February 1820. No Rec. date (Marion Co., SC DB I Pg 244-246)

1820 - August 16, Peter MacCormick in consideration of $75 paid by William Winslow of Marion District SC sold unto William Winslow all that tract of land in Marion District adjoining land belonging to William Braswell on the north side beginning at an ould pine and runs thence a SE course through the long Bay and corners on a pine in a flat and runs thence SW course to a pine joining William Butlers line and runs thence north west course to a stake near the Huckleberry Bay containing 76 1/2 acres of land granted to William Butler Sr. Signed: Peter MacCormick Witnesses: Jesse Ford, Isom (his mark) Butler. Probated by Isham (his mark) Butler 18 October 1825 before Neil MacCormick Recorded 14 March 1827 (Marion Co., SC Deed Books L,M,N 1824-1831 Pg 33-34)

1822 - December 18, Henry Brasswell of Marion District & Richard Brasswell of North Carolina to Gideon Yelventon 200 acres on Hayses Swamp beginning on the State on a ash thence along sd line SE to a corner in sd Swamp NW, NW, NE, NE, NW, E. Signed: Henry Brasswell, Richard Brasswell. Wit: James Brasswell, John Miller. Proved before Thos. Harllee, Queo, 18 December 1822. Rec 29 September 1823. (Marion Co., SC DB K Pg 182-183)

1823 - May 2, Gedion Yelverton of Robeson County, NC to Elizabeth Brasswell of Robeson County NC for $100 200 acres Es little Pee dee on Hayes Swamp beginning on the state line NW, NE, NW, NE, NE, NW, E to State line along sd line to beginning, it being part of two tracts, one surveyed for Richard Brasswell, the other part of tract surveyed for Stephen Gibson. Signed: Gideon Yelventon. Wit: Henry Brasswell, Milley Brasswell. Pr before Tho Harllee, Queo, 20 May 1823. Rec 24 September 1823. (Marion Co., SC DB K Pg 168)

To be continued

A History of Marion County, South Carolia

A History of Marion County, South Carolina, from its earliest times to the present, 1901 By W. W. SELLERS, Esq.

Pg 299

James McArthur was one of the original settlers on the north side of Hays Swamp and on the North Carolina State line; he married a Miss Campbell and raised a family of three sons and four daughters. The eldest daughter, Effie, married GADI BRASWELL, and her only son, RICHARD H. BRASWELL, now owns and lives upon a part of the old McArthur lands or homestead, just across the State line.

Pg 328-329

...Nathan Butler, son of old Isham, was another of the first settlers ; he had four sons. Dempsy, the eldest, married his cousin, Laney; Solomon married POLLY BRASSWELL and had no children; Samuel married MILLY BRASSWELL, and went to Georgia; James, the youngest, married the Widow Jane Davis — all of them are dead. Laney, the wife of Dempsy, according to the census return of her son, Alfred, in 1890, was 110 years old ; she, too, is now dead. As to the age of Laney, as above, the writer has something to say. Dempsy Butler, her husband, was killed by a man by the name of McCormick, in 1859. I was a Magistrate at the time, and was sent for to hold an inquest; I went and held it ; it was right on the North Carolina State line, and as the line was shown to me by those present, the killing was about five feet in South Carolina; he was killed by a stab with a knife, in the abdomen...

Pg 377

William B. Gasque married, a second time, a Miss Clark, daughter of Kenneth Clark, and by her had George K., Robert, James and Sallie, now the wife of W. B. R. Gasque ; also, MRS. JEFFERSON BRASWELL and Mrs. Mitchel Lane.

Pg 486

Neill McEachern emigrated from Scotland with his then family to Marion County, S. C, in the first part of the nineteenth century...he married, in Scotland, Miss Effa McKellar; they had four sons, Duncan, Daniel, Gilbert and John, and two daughters, Sallie and Elizabeth...Effa, the second daughter of old Daniel, married RICHARD BRASWELL, of North Carolina, just across the State line ; they have two daughters only, Mary and Isla. Mary is married to Thompson Williams, of North Carolina. Isla is yet single. RICHARD BRASWELL is doing well.

Pg 610

BRASWELL, J. R., Fifth Sergeant. Prom

Pg 622

BRASWELL, JACK G., Marion. Died North Carolina hospital,


Monday, December 7, 2009

Jeremiah Looper, Pickens Dist., SC 1856

Last Will and Testament of Jeremiah Looper

The State of South Carolina

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN: I, Jeremiah Looper, Senior, of Pickens District in the said State, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do hereby make publish and ordain thi my last will and testament.

First, I commit my soul to Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried by my Executors hereinafter named.

And as to all my worldly estate real, personal and mixed, I give, bequeath and devise the same as follows, viz -

1. - After the payment of my just debts, I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Looper, the one-third part of all my estate, to have and to hold the same to her and her heirs forever.

2. - If my said wife Mary Looper desires it so, I direct and devise that she may take any portion of my land surrounding and including my dwelling house that she may wish, in her said one-third of my estate, at its value to be ascertained and fixed by the appraisers of my personal estate.

3. The rest residue and remainder of my estate I will devise and direct shall be divided and disposed of as follows, viz: One tenth part to the children or their surviving issue of my daughter Eleanor Skelton, deceased, to be equally divided amongst the said children of Eleanor Skelton, and if any of her children be dead leaving children at my death, the said children to take amongst them respectively the share of their deceased parent.

One-tenth part to my daughter Matilda Cantrell the wife of Wiley Cantrell.

One-tenth part to my daughter Rutha Braswell, to her and her heirs forever.

One-tenth part to my son Joseph Looper, to his and his heirs forever.

One-tenth part to my son Samuel Looper, to him and his heirs forever.

One-tenth part to my son Thomas Looper, to him and his heirs forever.

One-tenth part to my daughter Polly Robinson and her husband John Robinson, to them and their heirs foorever.

One-tenth part to my daughter Betsy Rackley, the wife of Reddin Rackley.

One-tenth part to my daughter Sarah Julin, the wife of Washington Julin.

One-tenth part to my son Jeremiah Looper, Junior, to him and his heirs forever.

The portions of my estate thus bequeathed and devised to the children of Eleanor Skelton, to Matilda Cantrell, to Betsy Rackley and to Sarah Julin, I will and direct shall be held by my Executors hereinafter named in trust for the sole separate and exclusive use of the said legatees respectively for and during the term of their respective natural lives, free from any control contract debt or liability of any present or future husband of any and all of the said female legatees, and at the death of the said legatees respectively to deliver the same to their children to have and to hold to them and their heirs forever.

3. If either of my sons who have been living on my lands so desire, they may have and take the lands so occupied by them innpart of their respective shares. The said land to be laid off and valued by the appraisers of my personal estate.

4. I hold a judgement debt as well as other debts against the estate of Arthur Braswell, deceased. Any portion of the same remaining unpaid at my death must be deducted from the share of Rutha Braswell aforesaid.

5. Except what I have above setforth I will and direct that no charges shall be made against my children for any help I have given them or any advancements I have made them.

6. My Executors are hereby authorized and instructed to sell and convey all my real and personal estate as soon as practicable after my death, except such lands as may be taken by my wife or sons as aforesaid. The same to be sold at such time and on such terms as the Ordinary may direct for the purpose of paying my debts and the legacies created by this my will.

7. I hereby appoint my sons Joseph Looper and Thomas Looper to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. February 22'd, 1856.

Jeremiah (his X mark) Looper, Senior {SEAL}

Signed sealed published and declared by Jeremiah Looper, Senior, to be his last Will and Testament, in our presence, who at his request and and in his presence of each other have signed our names as witnesses hereto.

R.B. Duncan
James Robinson
Stephen Powell

South Carolina}
Pickens District}

Personally appeared before me Stephen Powell who being duly sworn saith that he was present and did see Jeremiah Looper sign the foregoing by making his mark as and for his last Will and Testament and that R.B. Duncan & James Robinson were present and signed their names with himself as witnesses to the same in presence of each other and the testator.

Sworn to before me April 15th 1861. W.E. Holcombe, O.P.D. Stephen Powell, Sen.

Recorded in Pickens District Will Book No. 2, pages 36-37.

South Carolina Archives

NOTE: Arthur Braswell appears to be the son of William & Susan Braswell of Newberry County, South Carolina which would make him a grandson of David Braswell & Nancy Rutherford and a descendant of the Reverend Robert Bracewell through Richard Braswell the 1st and his wife Sarah.

* William & Susan Braswell

- September 14, marriage of David Braswell & Nancy Ratterford (sic) (Edge. Co., NC County Court Records - FHL # 0296815-0296817)

1763 - Approximate birth of David & Nancy's son William.

1782 - David Braswell executed for being a Tory.

1784 - Approximate earliest marriage date of David & Nancy's son William.

1789 - William Braswell of Newberry County, planter, to Samuel Waites of same for 10 pounds SC money, 200 acres in Newberry County on north side Saludy River adj. Andrew Lee, David McLaran, tract granted to John Wilson and conveyed to David Braswell 13 & 14 October 1765 and from him to his son William Braswell being his Heir in Law. William Braswell (seal) Wit: Jacob Harrell, John Waits, Jonathan Wates. Proved in Newberry County by the oath of John Waites 1 June 1789 before Philemon Waters, J.P. Recorded 18 August 1789. Newberry Co., SC, Deed Abstracts, A, 765-769. Lease and Release 29 & 30 May 1789.

1792 - January 20, Isaac Folly (Georgetown District, South Carolina) to William Braswell, 20 pounds, 200 acres in Robeson County on S side of Drowning Creek & S side of Ashpole Swamp, N. of the two open meadows called the two Sisters, conveyed from Meedy Lamb to Isaac Bird & from Isaac Bird to Isaac Folly. Wit: Neill McArthur, James Braswell & William Phillips. (Robeson Co., NC Book F, pp. 85‑86)

1796 - April 2, William Phillips to William Braswell, 20 pounds, 100 acres on W side of Ashpole Swamp on N side of the two Sisters, adj. Joshua Cliborn & his own line, pat. by William Phillips 26 November 1789. Wit: Josiah Barnes. (Robeson Co., NC Book F, p. 84)

1796 - April 2, William Braswell to Sons, Rutherford Braswell & Allen Braswell, Deed of Gift; for “natural love and affection”, 150 acres to each being two tracts: (1) 200 acres on S side of Ashpole Swamp, near the two open meadows called the two Sisters; & (2) 100 acres on W side of Ashpole & N side of the two sisters, adj. Joshua Clibourn. First tract pat. by Meedy Lamb on 11 November 1779 & second tract pat. by William Phillips on 26 November 1789. Wit: Josiah Barnes. (Robeson Co., NC Book F, pp. 82‑83)

1797 - February 21, Rutherford & Allen Braswell born before this date; David, Arthur, Polly, Betsey, James, William, Aaron & Nancy born after this date and before February 21, 1818. Based on the 1818 entry in this time line to help determine children's ages in an effort to find them.

1814 - May 16, orator sold to Thos. Riddlespurger for $1480.62 1/2 a tract of land in Newberry Dsit., called Stoney Battery containing 31 acres adj. orator, Francis Hatton, Jacob Hawkins & Wm. Braswell, dec'd. Thomas, after paying only a small part of the money, sold it to Wm. Braswell, now dec'd. Thomas Riddlespurger, in 1817, before his note came due left the state and resides in parts unknown to orator. Wm. Braswell died in 1816 intestate, left widow Susan and the following children: Rutherford & Allen of full age, David, Arthur, Polly, Betsey, James, William, Aaron & Nancy infants under 21. (Posted @ rootsweb by Gayle Braswell Ellison)

1818 - February 21, Bill for Discovery and Relief. filed 21 Feb. 1818. William Hawkins vs. George D. Lester, administrator of William Braswell, dec'd, Susan Braswell, Rutherford Braswell, Allen Braswell; and minors David, Arthur, Polly, Betsey, James, Williams, Aaron, Nancy Braswell by their guardian, Rutherford Braswell. (Newberry SC Equity Records, from Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2, by the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., Editor. Box #1, pk. #25: 1818. Posted @ rootsweb by Gayle Braswell Ellison)

1820 - Susana Brazel on Newberry Co., SC census. 0 1 0 1 0 0 - 1 1 1 0 1. Susana born before 1775, 1 male 10-16 = 1804-1810, 1 male 16-26 = 1794-1804, 1 female under 10 = 1810-1820, 1 female 10-16 = 1804-1810, 1 female 16-26 = 1794-1804.

NOTE: At this point it is believed that William Braswell who married Mary Looper & Arthur Braswell who married Ruth Looper are sons of William & Susan Braswell as well as the Allen Brazil on the 1830 Pickens County, South Carolina census.

William's lineage:

1. Reverend Robert Bracewell & Unknown
2. Richard Braswell & Sarah
3. William Braswell & Mary
4. William Braswell & Margaret
5. David Braswell & Nancy Rutherford
6. William Braswell & Susan

Solomon Looper, Pickens Co., SC 1866

1866 - January 6, I Solomon Looper being of sound mind and memory do publish this my last will and testament, etc. I give my beloved wife Judath W all that she got from or may get from her own people, as her property to do as she thinks best. I give my dtr Margaret my large bureau, one cow and calf, one sow and pigs. I give to my grand dtr Evaline (Margeret's daughter) my small bureau and what is on it viz three images. I also want my land divided into five equal lots of eighty acres each. My personal property, household and kitchen furniture, farm tools, to be divided between my children and my wife to take a child part. I appoint John A Robinson and Joseph Looper as executors.

Wit: J F Smith, W C Jones, J W Brown
Signed Solomon X Looper seal
20 Dec 1871 Elizabeth Crane $344.86
D M Keith $344.86
Martha Robinson $344.86
Judia Ann Keith $344.86
Harriett A Freeman $344.86
Lurania Smith $344.86
Judeth W Looper $344.86
Margaret Looper $344.86
Mary Braswell and hbd Wm Braswell $344.86
22 Jan 1873 Elisha and Nancy Robinson $344.86
Sarah and Margaret Hood $344.86


NOTE: It appears that William Braswell named above is the son of William Braswell & wife Susan of Newberry Co., SC and Robeson Co., NC. This would make him the grandson of David Braswell & Nancy Rutherford and a descendant of the Reverend Robert Bracewell through Richard Braswell the 1st and his wife Sarah.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Muster Roll: Illinois Territory, 1813

A muster roll of a company of volunteer infantry,
commanded by Captain William Jones, ordered
into the service by his Excellency, Ninian
, Governor of the Illinois Territory,
May 9, 1813, to June 9th, 1813.

Robert Brazel

Valentine Brazel
Richard Brazel
William Brazel