ABBOTT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. vacant, S.
Fredk Braswell, W.
W. McCall, survey 7. June 9, 1784. Warrant 2264, p. 3.
ABBOTT, JOHN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Clarke, E. vacant, S.
Good, W.
Oconee river, survey 1. June 7, 1784. Warrant 2185, p. 1.
ADAMSON, CHARLES. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Matthew Carney, S.
Oconee river, survey 568. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 286.
ALLEN, ROBERT, 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.-E. vacant, S.-E.
Asa Emanuel, S.-W.
Oconee river, N.-W.
Howell, lot 881. Warrant 1419. June 7, 1784. p. 287.
ALLISON, LIEUT. HENRY. 460 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. surveyed, S. vacant, W. fork of
Oconee river, survey 40. Sept. 10, 1785, p. 25.
ANDERSON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jas. Dunbar, E. & W. vacant, S.
Oconee river, survey 54. Jan. 23, 1784. Warrant 2516, p. 19.
ASHMORE, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 27. June 1, 1784, p. 16.
AUTRY, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Walton Harris, S. vacant, W.
Sanders, survey 678. June 2, 1784, p. 334.
AYCOCK, RICHARD. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W. Big creek &
Smith, survey 96. June 4, 1784, p. 50.
AYRES, DANIEL. 460 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Lamar, E.
Irvin, S.
Holliman, W.
Oconee river and
Qualls, survey 33. June 25, 1784. Warrant 149, p. 11.
BACON, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by
Morganson, W. by
Oconee river, lot 318, May 17, 1784. p. 123.
BARNARD, JESSE. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. unknown, S.
Oconee river, survey 97. June 3, 1784. Warrant 314, p. 34.
BARNETT, JOHN. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by
Marshall's creek, fork of
Oconee river, survey 383. Aug. 2, 1784. Warrant 285.
BARRON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 131. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 656, p. 45
BATTERY, ZACHARIAH. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. unknown, W. fork of
Oconee river, survey 690. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 338.
BAXTER, ANDREW. 230 acres (on reserve),
Greene Co., bounded N.
Glascock, E. & S. vacant, W.
Thos. Welborne. On fork of
Oconee river, survey 308. March 10, 1786, p. 169.
BAXTER, JAMES. 230 acres (on reserve),
Greene Co., bounded all sides vacant. On north fork of
Oconee river, survey . March 10, 1786, p. .
BEARD, EDMOND. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 66. July 2, 1784, p. 29.
BENDER, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 156. Jan. 25, 1785, p. 61.
BENDER, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of
Oconee river, E.
Jno. Hollingshead, other sides vacant, survey 76. April 10, 1786, p. 45.
BERRIEN, JOHN. 920 acres (on Reserve),
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Touched by middle fork of
Oconee river, survey 59. Dec. 20, 1785, p. 36.
BERRY, JOHN. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. S. fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 422. July 8, 1784. Reserve, p. 141.
BERRY, RICHARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E.
Jos. G. Taylor, S. N. fork of
Oconee river, W. vacant, survey 354, April 12, 1785, p. 354.
BERRYHILL, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W.
Travis Fenn, lot 702. Warrant 1146. May 17, 1784. p. 233.
BLANCHARD, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Asa Emanuel, S. vacant, W.
R. Fleming, survey 33. June 9, 1784, p. 19.
BLOODWORTH, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Island, E.
Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 102. Warrant 1545. June 4, 1784, p. 35.
BLOUNT, JACOB (HEIRS OF). 690 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, S.
Robt. Mosby, E.
Jas. Houston. Cut by South fork of
Oconee river, survey 101. Dec. 9, 1785, p. 53.
BOOKER, CAPT. GIDEON. 690 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Littleberry Mosely, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, survey 105. Oct. 15, 1784, p. 55.
Franklin Co., bounded S.
John Gorham, other sides vacant. Cut by
Oconee river, survey 917. June 7, 1784, p. 324.
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 703. Nov. 17, 1784, p. 343.
BOYD, EDWARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Will Thompson, W.
Oconee river, lot 343. Warrant 868. June 23, 1784 p. 191.
BOYKIN, JESSE. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Oconee river, S.
Fred Francis, survey 34. June 10, 1784, p. 19.
BUGG, JACOB. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Wm. Hill, S.
Oconee river, W.
Edw. Rowell, survey 696. June 9, 1784, p. 340.
BURCH, CHARLES. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river other sides vacant, lot 343. Warrant 2444. June 5, 1784, p. 191.
BURCH, EDWARD. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Charles Burch, S. & W. vacant, lot 341. Warrant 2150. June 5th, 1784. p. 191.
BURKE, JOSEPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
M. Gunnold, other sides vacant, on North fork of
Oconee river, survey 164. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 76.
BURNETT, JOHN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Smith, E. vacant, S.
Freeman, W.
Oconee river, lot 760. Warrant 1480. June 3, 1784. p. 239.
BURNETT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on N. fork of
Oconee river, survey 72. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 43.
BUSSEY, HEZEKIAH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jno. Golden, E.
Oconee river, S. & W. vacant. On
Richland creek, survey 28. June 3, 1784, p. 16.
BUSSON, JONATHAN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Jas. Manon, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey . Feb. 9, 1785, p.
BURTON, RICHARD. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 661. Warrant . May 17, 1784. p. 222.
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Marshall, E. vacant, S.
Jno. Harrington, W.
Oconee river, survey 136. June 4, 1784, p. 71.
CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Bush, S.
Oconee river, W.
Jno. Taylor, survey 706. June 10, 1785, p. 344
CARLISLE, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Thos. Frederick, E.
Oconee river, S.
Jacob Linn, W. vacant, lot 643. Warrant 2336. June 9, 1784. p. 217.
CARNES, THOMAS. 450 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded (triangle) N.
Major Cobb, E.
Wiliam &
Jesse Walker, W.
Oconee river, survey 951. June 23, 1785. On Reserve, p. 338.
CARNEY, MATTHEW. 230 acres (Bounty Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Adamson, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, survey 141. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 73.
CARSON, SAM'L. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
McKinney &
McDouglas, E. vacant, S.
Wade W.
Oconee river, lot 648. Warrant 1641. June 8, 1784. p. 219.
CASTELLO, MICHAEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jno. Kieth, E.
Dead river, S.
Ohoopee river &
Jno. Chandler, W.
Oconee river, survey 161. June 1, 1784, p. 84.
CASTLEBERRY, JACOB. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., on island of
Oconee river, bounded N.
Thrice, &
Catchings, survey 143. June 2, 1784, p. 74.
CATCHINGS, JOSEPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Parks, W.
Oconee river, lot 782. Warrant 285. June 5, 1784. p. 258.
CHILDERS, DAVID. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. surveyed, W.
Oconee river, lot 321. May 17, 1784. p. 124.
CHILDRY, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N,
Sam Holliman, E.
Few, S. & W.
Oconee river, lot 705. Warrant 818. May 17, 1784. p. 234.
CLARKE, ELIJAH. 1,150 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 34. June 25, 1784. Warrant 149.
CLARKE, ELIJAH. 4,600 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Jno. Clarke, E.
Jno. Freeman, S.
Oconee river, W.
Freeman &
Cleves, survey 936. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 331.
CLARKE, GIBSON. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Jeremiah Cloud, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 149. June 27, 1784, p. 77.
CLARKE, JOHNSTON. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Big Pond fork of
Oconee river, W.
Wm. Fenn, survey 342. July 30, 1784, p. 342.
CONNELL, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E.
Geo. White, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 135. April 1, 1786, p. 79
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
McIntosh, W.
Oconee river, lot 654. Warrant . May 17, 1784. p. 220.
COOKE, GEORGE. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, &
Oconee river, E. & S.
Daniel Murphy, W. vacant, survey 169. June 11, 1784, p. 87.
CORBIN, WILLIAM. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Patrick Kneal, lot 845. Warrant . July 8, 1784. p. 275.
COX, ZACHARIAH. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S. north fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 11. Aug. 6, 1784, p. 6.
CRESWELL, DAVID. 100 acres (part of bounty),
Washington Co., bounded W.
Pannill, E.
Oconee river, S. & W.
Shields, survey 129. June 8, 1785, p. 67.
CULBREATH, JOHN. 2871/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of
Oconee river, W.
Ignatius Few, other sides vacant, survey 352. Jan. 29, 1785, p. 352.
CULPEPPER, MALACHIA. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of
Oconee river, survey 935. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 330.
CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Geo. Rowland, E.
Oliver &
Oconee river, S.
Benj. Greene, W. vacant, survey 157. June 8, 1784, p. 81.
CURRY, NICHOLAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
J. H. Harvey, W.
Oconee river, survey 163. June 10, 1784, p. 84.
DALTON, MATTHIAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. north fork of
Oconee river, W.
Frank, survey 202. June 8, 1785, p. 118.
DANNELLY, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Benj. Lockhart, S.
Oconee river, W.
Wm. Franklin, survey 136. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 137, p. 47.
DARLEY, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. survey, S.
Oconee river, survey 120. June 29, 1784. Warrant 2498, p. 42.
DARCEY, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E.
Oconee river, S. vacant, W.
Wm. Wash, survey 193. June 4, 1784, p. 99.
DARSEY, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. & S.
Oconee river, W. grantee, survey 183. June 3, 1784, p. 94.
DAVIS, ABSOLEM. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Abm. Landers, W.
Oconee river, survey 174. June 18, 1784, p. 90.
DAVIS, BLUEFORD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Edmond Murphy, survey 134. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 569, p. 46.
DOUGLAS, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jos. Tharpe, E.
Oconee river, S.
Stephen Hayman, W. vacant, survey 182. June 10, 1784, p. 94.
DRIVER, HENRY. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Jacob Summerford, survey 392. June 9, 1784, p. 392.
DUHART, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Robt. Pattison, S.
Oconee river, W.
Stringer, lot 876. Warrant 2148. June 7, 1784. p. 284.
DUKES, TAYLOR. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 201. Oct. 4, 1784, p. 118.
DYAR, HEIRS OF HENRY. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Richard Berry, S.
Oconee river, survey 387. April 12, 1785, p. 387.
EAVES, NATHANIEL. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 215. Nov. 20, 1784, p. 110.
ELBERT, GEN. SAMUEL. 402 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N-E. grantee, S.
Oconee river, S-W.
Gen. McIntosh, lot 956. Warrant . Nov. 30, 1784. p. 323.
ELBERT, SAMUEL. 977 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E.
Geo. &
Maxwell, S-W.
Oconee river, and grantee, lot 955. Warrant . Nov. 30, 1784. p. 323.
ELLIS, ROBERT. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded W. South fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 212. July 7, 1784, p. 109.
EMANUEL, ASA. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. Blanchard, E.
Oconee river, S.
Robert Allen, W. vacant, survey 617. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1904, p. 210.
FARRISH, ROBERT. 460 acres (on Reserve)
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. surveyed, S.
Michael Long, W.
Chandlers. Cut by
Oconee river, survey 235. Mar. 5, 1785, p. 135.
FENN, TRAVIS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Thos. Pennington, E.
Oconee river, S.
Sam'l Berry, W. vacant, lot 698. Warrant 2503. May 17, 1784. p. 232.
FENN, WILLIAM. 2871/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 389. July 30, 1784, p. 389.
FEW, BENJAMIN. 1,150 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 412. June 9, 1784. Warrant 2435, p. 137.
FEW, IGNATIUS. 2871/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Gardner, S.
Oconee river. Cut by Buffalo creek, survey 200. June 10, 1784. Warrant 931, p. 70.
FEW, IGNATIUS. 1,150 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. unknown, W.
Oconee river, survey 403. Aug. 4, 1785, p. 403.
FEW, COL. IGNATIUS. 1,150 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. & W.
Oconee river, survey 404. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 404.
FEW, WILLIAM. 1,024 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S. Franklin fork
Oconee river, others unknown and vacant, survey 379. Aug. 11, 1785, p. 379.
FEW, WILLIAM. 1,250 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S. Fork of
Oconee river, others vacant, survey 380. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 380.
FEW, WILLIAM. 1,120 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E. & W. vacant, S. north fork of
Oconee river, survey 381. Aug. 6, 1785, p. 381.
FEW, WILLIAM. 887 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides unknown. On branch of
Oconee river, survey 377. Aug. 12, 1785, p. 377.
FINCHWELL, JOSEPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Wright, W.
Oconee river, survey 231. June 3, 1784, p. 118.
FLEMING, ROBERT. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. Blanchard, E.
Jas. Pugh, S.
Chas. William, W.
Oconee river, survey 232. June 9, 1784, p. 119.
FLING, JOHN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Evan Harvey, other sides vacant, cut by ford of
Oconee river, lot 1020. Warrant . Sept. 17, 1784. p. 31.
FOSTER, WILLIAM. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. unknown, E.
Alex Moore, S.
Oconee river, survey 230. June 10, 1784, p. 118.
FRANKLIN, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Blueford Davis, survey 132. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1504, p. 46.
FRAZER, BARBANY. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Marbury, E. & S. vacant, W.
Frazer. Cut by fork of
Oconee river, lot 1104. Warrant (reserve), Oct. 9, 1785, p. 373.
FRAZER, MARY. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Marbury, E.
Griggs, S. vacant, W.
Barbary Frazer (reserve), lot 1105, Oct. 11, 1785, p. 373.
FRAZER, PENELOPE. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Marbury, E.
Barbary Frazer, S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 1107 (reserve), Oct. 11, 1785, p. 374.
FREDERICK, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Oconee river, S.
John Carlisle, lot 645. Warrant 1924. June 27, 1784. p. 218.
FREEMAN, JOHN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Burnett, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 720. Warrant 2129. June 3, 1784. p. 239.
FREIL, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by
Buffalo creek, survey 48. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1622, p. 17.
FULLER, STEPHEN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. middle fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 397. Dec. 1, 1784, p. 397.
FUQUA, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Jas. Thompson, S. fork of
Oconee river, survey 386. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 386.
GARDNER, LEWIS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. Gardner, E. vacant, S.
Haney, W.
Oconee river, survey 251. June 8, 1784, p. 128.
GARDNER, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, S.
Ignatius Few, other sides vacant, survey 295. June 8, 1784, p. 103.
GARRETT, JOHN. 200 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides unknown, survey 421. Aug. 10, 1785, p. 421.
GARRETT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Thos. Marshall, E. & S. vacant, W. middle fork of
Oconee river, survey 423. Aug. 9, 1785, p. 423.
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Matthews, S. surveyed. Cut by branch of
Oconee river, survey 268. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 137.
GLASCOCK, CAPT. THOMAS. 690 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
McIntosh, E. & S. vacant, W.
Gen. McIntosh, on
Oconee river, survey 764. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 363.
GORHAM, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1109. Warrant . June 2, 1784, p. 374.
GRANT, PETER. 575 acres
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, other sides vacant or surveyed, survey 266. June 10, 1784, p. 136.
GRAVES, RICHARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. Anderson, E. vacant, S.
Jno. Whitesides, W.
Oconee river, survey 135. June 23, 1784, p. 120.
GRAY, JACOB. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
John Wingfield, W. Fork of
Oconee river, lot 1108, Warrant . March 1, 1785, p. 374.
GREASEL, ELAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 16. June 25, 1784, p. 10.
GREENE, BENJAMIN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Lawson, E. vacant, S.
Cunningham, W.
Oconee river, survey 264. June 8, 1784, p. 135.
GRIFFIN, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 260. June 5, 1784, p. 133.
HALL, GEORGE. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Johnson Clarke, other sides vacant. Cut by Big Pond fork of
Oconee river, survey 14. July 30, 1784, p. 9.
HANDLEY, GEORGE. 460 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Paxton, &
Tennill, E. & S.
Oconee river, W. Crooked creek &
Eve, survey 301. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 153.
HARPER, JOSEPH. 345 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Sullivan &
Scott, E. vacant, S.
Fluker, &
Whatley, W.
Oconee river, survey 288. July 13, 1784, p. 147.
HARRINGTON, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Campbell, S. vacant, W.
Jno. Tankersley, &
Oconee river, survey 776. June 3, 1784, p. 367.
HARRINGTON, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Patrk. Vance, S.
Gibson Clarke, on
Oconee river, survey 289. June 29, 1784, p. 147.
HARRIS, WALTER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 481. Warrant 787. June 3rd, 1784. p. 174.
HARVEY, BLASINGAME. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Clarke, W.
Oconee river, lot 1023. Warrant 1024 and 1865. June 10, 1784. Covers 2 warrants as above. p. 345.
HARVEY, JAMES HILL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
B. Harvey, W.
Oconee river, lot 1024. Warrant 915. June 10, 1784. p. 345.
HATCHER, ARCHIBALD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W.
Bugg, lot 339. Warrant 1085. June 5th, 1784. p. 190.
HAWKINS, ABIMELECK. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E. College lands, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 404. July 6, 1787, p. 236.
HAWKINS, HEIRS OF JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S. N. fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 723. June 7, 1784, p. 254
HAYES, ANDREW. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides surveyed. Cut N. & S. by
Sandy creek, survey 787. April 9, 1785, p. 371.
HAYMAN, STEPHEN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jas. Douglas, E.
Oconee river, S.
Stanton Hayman, W. vacant, survey 261. May 17, 1784, p. 93.
HAYMAN, STOUTON. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Stephen Hayman, E.
Oconee river, S.
Wm. Hill, W. vacant, survey 262. May 17, 1784, p. 93.
HEATLEY, ROBERT. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 17. June 11, 1784, p. 11.
HENDERSON, ZACHARIAH. 260 acres, (bounty)
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W. vacant, lot 723. Warrant . Aug. 1, 1784. p. 240.
HILL, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Hayman, E.
Oconee river, S.
Joseph Bugg, W. vacant, survey 260. May 17, 1784, p. 92.
HOLLIMAN, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Ayres and
Irvin, E.
Few, S.
Thos Childry, W.
Oconee river, lot 707. Warrant 1229. May 17, 1784. p. 234.
HOLTON, FRANCIS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant on
Oconee river, survey 428. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 428. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S BOOK "F."
HOPKINS, LAMBETH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Harris, E. vacant, S.
Timothy Pittman, W.
Oconee river, survey 797. July 23, 1784, p. 374.
HOPKINS, LAMBETH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Pittman, S.
Oconee river, W.
Harris, lot 1006. Warrant 2910. July 23, 1784. p. 340.
HORN, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. On waters of
Oconee river, lot 1118. Warrant . May 17, 1784, p. 377.
HOUSE, LAWRENCE. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 655. Warrant . May 17, 1784. p. 220.
HOUSTON, DR. JAMES. 920 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Daniel Cuthbert, E.
Montfort, S.
Henry Allison, W.
Jacob Blount. On waters of
Oconee river, survey 486. Dec. 8, 1784. Reserve, p. 163.
HOUSTON, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Frederick Francis, E.
Oconee river, S.
Wm. Houstoun, W. vacant, survey 281. June 10, 1784, p. 143.
HOUSTON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
John Houston, S.
Oconee river, W.
Sharp &
Douglass, survey 493. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1851, p. 165.
HOWELL, DAVID. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Robt. Allen, S.
Oconee river, W.
Robt. Patterson, survey 293. June 7, 1784, p. 149.
HUBBARD, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of
Oconee river, lot 1117, Aug. 30, 1784, p. 377.
HUDSON, JOSEPH. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Hudson's fork of
Oconee river, survey 9. June 8, 1784, p. 7.
HUDSON, NATHANIEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Rushing, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 596. Warrant 2701. June 15, 1784. p. 205.
HUKENBOTTOM, JOSEPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. and E. vacant, S.
Wilcher, W.
Thos. Johnston. Cut E. to W. by branch of
Oconee river, survey 51. June 27, 1784. Warrant 2474, p. 18.
HUNTER, MILES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Sam'l Whatley, lot 1008. Warrant 2605. June 1, 1784. p. 340.
JACK, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. surveyed, W.
Oconee river, survey 448. July 2, 1787, p. 261.
JACK, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Lawson, W.
Oconee river, lot 622. Warrant 1617. May 17, 1784. p. 212.
JACKSON, PETER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded NW.
Michael Harvey, other sides vacant, near
Oconee river, survey 344. July 14, 1784, p. 175.
JACKSON, REUBEN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S. by
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 403. Warrant 2097. May 17, 1784. p. 152.
JACKSON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Mulberry fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 19. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 12.
JENKINS, ROBERT. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E. & W. surveyed, S. Continental fork of
Oconee river, survey 477. Oct. 3, 1785, p. 276.
JOHNSTON, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Wm. Kemp, W.
Oconee river, survey 343. Aug. 10, 1784, p. 174.
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 5. July 15, 1784, p. 5.
JONATHAN, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Lucas, other sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of
Oconee river, lot 1123. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 379.
JONES, BENJAMIN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
H. Hendricks, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by N. fork of
Oconee river, survey 20. June 29, 1784, p. 12.
JONES, FREDERICK. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Randolph Strohakers, E.
Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 345. June 8, 1784, p. 175.
JONES, JAMES. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. fork of
Oconee river, S.
Ignatius Few, W.
John Gorham, survey 403. June 20, 1785, p. 408.
JONES, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Strother Crawford, E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Chas. B. Davis, survey 799. July 4, 1784, p. 375.
KELLY, EDWARD. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Shoulderbone creek, E.
Oconee river, S. vacant, W.
Daley, lot 814. Warrant 697. July 20, 1784. p. 267.
KELLY, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Simmons, E. vacant, S.
Walker, W.
Oconee river, lot 269. June 5, 1784. p. 137.
KELLY, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. McGehee, E.
Oconee river, S.
Jno. Potts, W. vacant, survey 346. June 19, 1784, p. 118.
KELLY, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Chas. Collins, other sides vacant, near
Oconee river, survey . May 17, 1784, p. .
KEMP, WILLIAM. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 361. Oct. 12, 1784, p. 183.
KENDRICK, HEZEKIAH. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. unknown, S. north fork of
Oconee river, survey 72. June 18, 1784, p. 31.
KILGORE, ROBERT. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by Big Pond creek, fork of
Oconee River, survey 240. May 17, 1784, p. 86.
KING, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Champain, S.
Johnston, Rose creek, fork of
Oconee river, lot 990. Warrant . Jan. 3, 1785. p. 321.
KING, JOHN. 690 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 517. Sept. 6, 1785, p. 299.
KNEAL, PATRICK. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
William Corbin, S.
Oconee river, W.
John Lynch, lot 844. Warrant . July 8, 1784. p. 275.
LAMAR, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river. June 25, 1784, p. 197.
LAMB, BETHIEL, 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, lies in forks of
Mulberry and
Bigg Pond (forks of
Oconee river,) lot 991. Warrant 448. July 30, 1784. p. 335.
LANCASTER, WILLIAM. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Morrison, E.
Maxwell, S. & W. vacant. Cut by
Oconee river, survey 745. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 360.
LANDERS, JACOB. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Thos, Napier, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 808. Warrant 1652. June 17, 1784. p. 265.
LANDERS, CAPT. ABRAHAM. 862 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W.
John Dean, survey 364. June 17, 1784, p. 185.
LANGFORD, MOSES. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 379. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 192.
LANGFORD, JOSIAH. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) E.
Moses Langford, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 380. Nov. 13, 1784, p. 193.
LAWSON, ROGER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Eiland, E. vacant, S. & W.
Oconee river, survey 366. July 6, 1785, p. 185
LEDBETTER, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & S. unknown, E.
Hynes, W.
Allen Scott, on fork of Little
Oconee river, survey 819. Oct. 26, 1784, p. 382.
LEE, JOSHUA. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jno. Lowe, E.
McCall, S.
Oconee river, W. vacant, survey 22. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1013, p. 7.
LEGETT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by
Oconee river, survey 532. June 5, 1784, p. 308.
LEGETT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Phillips, E.
Zachariah Phillips, S. vacant, W.
Phillips. Cut by branch of
Oconee river, survey 385. June 12, 1784, p. 195.
LESTER, THOMAS. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded S.
Wm. Gibbs, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 374. Dec. 6, 1784, p. 190.
LEVERETT, HENRY. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Benj. Catchings, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 374. May 17, 1784. p. 141.
LEWIS, HEIRS OF DR. EVAN. 690 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co. bounded N.
Pearre, E.
Oconee river, S.
Jno. Maise, W. vacant, survey 579. Nov. 14, 1784, p. 334.
LINN, CURTISS. 230 acres,
Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N.
Jas. Houston, E. & W. vacant, S.
Heirs of Jno. Linn, on
Oconee river, survey 367. Feb. 10, 1784, p. 186.
ZINN, JACOB. (sic) 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
John Carlyle, E.
Oconeeriver, S.
Thos. Pennington, W. vacant, lot 740. Warrant 2390. June 8, 1784. p. 232.
LINN, HEIRS OF JOHN. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N.
Curtiss Linn, E. & W. vacant, S. Heirs of
Jno. Patillo, on
Oconee river, survey 365. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 185.
LINN, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded W.
Jno. King, other sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 69. June 10, 1785, p. 30.
LOCKHART, BENJ. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S. vacant and
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 137. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1653, p. 47.
LOCKHART, ISAAC. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Chas. Harvey, S.
Oconee river, W.
Paulette, survey 25. June 9, 1784. Warrant 1503, p. 8.
LOWE, ISAAC. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Isaiah Wright, E.
Benj. Welch, S.
McMullin, &
Simmons, W.
Burke, on branch of
Oconee river, survey 821. July 10, 1784, p. 382.
LYNCH, JOHN. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 833. Warrant . July 21, 1784. p. 273.
MANADUE, HENRY. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 16. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2147, p. 6.
MARBURY, THOMAS. 460 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Jesse Johnston, S.
H. Marbury, on
Oconee river, lot 1143. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 387.
MARBURY, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E. & S. north fork of
Oconee river, survey 64. May 14, 1785, p. 29.
MARGANTON, ASA. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by
Pannill, W. by
Oconee river, lot 360, July 6, 1784. p. 122.
MARSHALL, REV. ABRAHAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Carter, S. vacant and
Campbell, lot 836. Warrant 312. June 4, 1784. p. 273.
MARSHALL, LEVI. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Nicholas Long, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 853. Nov. 14, 1785, p. 393.
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Oconeeriver, S.
Benj. Porter survey 451. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 229.
MAXWELL, GEORGE. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Morrison, E.
Oconee river, S. vacant, W.
Jas. Maxwell, survey 744. Nov. 28, 1784, p. 359.
MAXWELL, LIEUT. JOSIAH. 460 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Michell, E.
Oconee river, S.
Pannell, W. vacant, survey 406. July 2, 1784, p. 206.
MAY, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Jno. Frie, S.
Oconee river, survey 415. June 1, 1784, p. 211.
McBURNETT, DANIEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E.
Jno. Carnes, other sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 74. June 2, 1784, p. 42.
McCAIN, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by
Allen's creek of the
Oconee river, survey 724. Dec. 14, 1784, p. 254.
McCALL, THOMAS. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Mitchell, W.
Stone, on
Oconee river, survey 24. Mar. 10, 1786, p. 13.
McCOWEN, DANIEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, Cut by
Bear creek tributary of
Oconee river, survey 67. Jan. 24, 1785, p. 30.
McKAY, JAMES. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jno. Bush, E. vacant, S.
Jas. Reed, W.
Oconee river, survey 444. July 26, 1784, p. 225.
McFARLAND, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Sam'l Wilson, E. vacant, S.
Gilbert Dinkins, W.
Oconee river, lot 741. Warrant 2027. May 17, 1784. p. 247.
McGETTON, VANCE. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 972. Warrant . July 17, 1784. p. 329.
McGILTON, JAMES. 230 acres,
Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N.
Porter, E. N.
Perry, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 401. Dec. 16, 1784, p. 204.
McINTOSH, COL. JOHN. 1150 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Thos. Glascock and
Gen. McIntosh, other sides vacant, cut by
Oconee river, lot 928. Warrant . Nov. 16, 1784. p. 315.
McINTOSH, CAPT. LACHLIN. 690 acres (on Reserve),
Franklin Co., bounded N. north fork of
Oconee river, E.
Dr. Wm. Reid, other sides vacant, survey 730. March 23, 1785, p. 352.
McINTOSH, GENERAL LACHLAN. 1,552 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N.
Maj. Elbert, E.
Oconee river, S. grantee, W.
Glascock. Cut by
Rake creek &
Rooty creek, survey 394. Nov. 15, 1784, p. 200.
McINTOSH, MAJOR WILLIAM. 920 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded S. vacant, & Little
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 395 Nov. 17, 1784, p. 201.
McMULLEN, ROBERT. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N E. & S E. vacant, N W,
Oconee river, S
W. Simmons, lot 440. Warrant 70. May 17, 1784. p. 148.
McNEELY, DANIEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by
Deep creek, survey 220. June 29, 1784. Warrant 2043, p. 78.
McNEIL, DANIEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Gillet, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 670. Warrant 35. May 17, 1784, p. 224.
MIDDLETON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Saml. Payne, E. & S. vacant, W.
Jas. Cobb. Cut E. & W. by Big Pond fork
Oconee river, survey 73. Oct. 28, 1784, p. 32.
MITCHELL, FRANCIS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. Post, W.
Lamar. Cut by branch of
Oconee river, survey 52. Aug. 5, 1785, p. 30.
MITCHELL, JOHN. 460 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Oconee river, S.
Maxwell, survey 417. July 2, 1784, p. 212.
MITCHELL, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by Beaverdam creek, survey 87. May 17, 1784, p. 36.
MOON, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Oconee river, S.
Jas. Red, W.
Saml. Rae, survey 398. June 12, 1784, p. 202
MOORE, RICHARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 555. June 26, 1784. Warrant 472, p. 186.
MOORE, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by N. fork of
Oconee river, survey 730. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 256.
MORCE, ALEXANDER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. unknown, E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Porter, survey 642. June 10, 1784. Warrant 2713, p. 220.
MORGAN, PHILIP. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) E.
Jno. Morgan, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 438. July 9, 1784, p. 222.
MORRISON, CAPT. JOHN. 690 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Eve, S.
Oconee river, W.
Crawford &
Lancaster, survey 742. Nov. 25, 1784, p. 358.
Washington Co., bounded N.
Chisholm, E. & S. vacant, W. south fork
Oconee river. Oct. 15, 1784. Reserve, p. 9.
MOSEBY, ROBERT. 460 acres,
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N.
Allison, E. & S. vacant, W.
Blount &
Houston. Cut by
Oconee river, survey 411. Dec. 7, 1784, p. 209.
MURPHY, EDMOND._ 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 130. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 404, p. 45.
MURPHY, MILLS. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut E. to W. by
Indian Cut creek, survey 728. June 28, 1784, p. 256.
NEIL, THOMAS 250 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Awtrey, E.
Oconee river, S.
Wagner, W.
Awtrey, survey 457. June 2, 1784, p. 233.
NUGAN, MICHAEL. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1144 (reserve). Mar. 10, 1785, p. 387
O'HEARN, JOSIAH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Jno. DuHart, S. & W.
Oconee river, survey 562. June 8, 1784. Warrant 1937, p. 189.
PACE, BERNARD. 287 1/2 acres, bounded SE.
Sears, SW.
Walton, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 38. June 2, 1784, p. 19.
PALMER, JOHN. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by
Oconee river, survey 21. July 25, 1784, p. 11.
PALMER, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by fork of
Oconee river, W.
Blueford Davis, survey 132. Aug. 16, 1784. Warrant 1504, p. 46.
PANNELL, JOSEPH. 300 acres,
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N.
Maxwell, E.
Oconee river, S.
Pannell, W. vacant, survey 504. July 2, 1784, p. 254
PANNILL, COL. JOSEPH. 300 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded N. grantee, E.
Oconee river, S. vacant, W.
Greenbrier creek, survey 226. July 2, 1784, p. 116.
PARKER, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Carter, W.
Oconee river, lot . Warrant 607. June 4th, 1784. p. 194.
PATTERSON, ROBERT. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
David Howell, E.
Oconee river, S.
Jno. Duhart, W. vacant, survey 489. June 17, 1784, p. 251.
Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Oconee river, S.
Morrison, survey 474. Nov. 23, 1784, p. 240.
PENNINGTON, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jacob Zinn, E.
Oconee river, S.
Travis Fenn, W. vacant, lot 697. Warrant 2022. May 17, 1784. p. 232.
PERRETT, JOHN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. Wash, E.
Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 469. June 27, 1784, p. 238
PERRY, ISAAC. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Reuben Jackson, survey 486. June 7, 1784, p. 246.
PERSONS, JONES. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, or surveyed. Cut N. & S. by north fork of
Oconee river, survey 227. Aug. 18, 1784, p. 107.
PEVEY, PETER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Ed. Young, E.
Matthews, S. vacant, W.
Pitman. Cut by branch of
Oconee river, survey 497. Nov. 9, 1784, p. 251.
PIERCE, ABRAHAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & S. vacant, E. & W.
Glascock, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 6. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 3.
PINSON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 110. Feb. 15, 1785, p. 61.
PHILLIPS, JOEL. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. branch of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 466. June 19, 1784, p. 236.
PHILLIPS, MARK. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. College lands, W.
Oconee river, lot 1060. Warrant 717. Aug. 1784. p. 344.
Washington Co., bounded (on Reserve) N.
Oconee river, E. surveyed, S.
Tennill, W.
Burton, survey 884. Dec. 5, 1785, p. 404.
PHILLIPS, ZACHARIAH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Leggett and
Phillips, S.
Oconee river, W.
Jacob Landers, lot 381. Surveyed May 17, 1784. p. 144.
PHINNEY, LARKIN. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 496. June 5, 1784, p. 250.
PITTMAN, TIMOTHY. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by
Peter Watson, W. by
Oconee river, lot . Warrant No. 1873, June 2, 1784. p.
POTTS, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Wm. McGeehee, W.
Oconee river, survey 499. June 11, 1784, p. 252.
POUND, REUBEN. 230 acres (on Reserve),
Washington Co., bounded S.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 487. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 246.
POWELL, LEWIS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Jeremiah Bugg, E.
Oconee river, S.
Arch Hatcher, W. vacant, survey 476. June 9, 1785, p. 241.
QUEEN, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded SE.
Fuller, SW. north fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 24. June 8, 1784, p. 13.
Washington Co., bounded E.
Tennill, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, on Reserve, survey 100. Nov. 27, 1784, p. 52.
RED, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Samuel Moon, E.
Oconee river, S.
Wm. Green, W.
Deep creek, survey 509. June 12, 1784, p. 257.
RIDEN, JOSEPH SCOTT. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut N. & S. by
Richland creek, survey 573. June 5, 1784, p. 289.
ROGERS, PETER. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E.
Jos. McCutchins, other sides vacant, on north fork
Oconee river, survey 41. June 10, 1785, p. 20.
ROWELL, EDWARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Howell Rowell, E. vacant, S.
Jacob Bugg, W.
Oconee river, lot 390. June 9th, 1784, p. 132.
ROWELL, HOWELL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Ed. Rowell, E.
Oconee river, S.
Thos. Frederick, W. vacant, survey 508. June 9, 1784, p. 256.
RUSHING, MATTHEW. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E. by
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 585. Warrant 2703. June 19, 1784. p. 202.
RUSSEL, JACOB. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. unknown, E.
Oconee river, S.
Tierce, W. vacant, cut N. & S. by
Beaverdam creek, lot 1062. Warrant (reserve) Feb. 28, 1785. p. 360.
RYAN, RICHARD. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Kelly, S. vacant, W.
Jno. Hobbs, survey 511. June 8, 1784, p. 258.
SALLETT, ROBERT. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by
Walnut creek of
Oconee river, survey 13. June 27, 1784, p. 7.
SCOTT, THOMAS. 1,150 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S. north fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant. Cut by N. & S. forks of
Curry's creek, survey 9. June 6, 1785, p. 5.
SHANNON, OWEN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Meredith Davis, W.
Offutt, on
Diamond fork of
Oconee river, survey 34, Oct. 27, 1784, p. 18.
SHARPE, JOHN, SR. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & W.
Oconee river, E. vacant, S.
Jas. Stallings, survey 923. June 8, 1785, p. 416.
SHARPE, JOSHUA. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Douglas, E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, survey 571. June 10, 1784, p. 288.
SHIELDS, ANDREW. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S. by
Bacon's land, W. by
Oconee river, lot 314. Warrant , May 17, 1784. p. 122
SHIELDS, ANDREW. 287 1/2 acres, (2d bounty)
Washington Co., bounded N., E. & S. vacant, W.
Oconee river, lot 323. June, 21st, 1784. p .
SIKES, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Lockhart, S.
Oconee river, W.
Paulett, survey 8. May 17, 1784. Warrant 2464, p. 3.
SIMMONS, STERN. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded NE. vacant, SE.
Stewart, W.
Oconee river, survey 911. June 7, 1784, p. 412.
SIMPSON, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant bisected by fork of
Oconee river, lot 678. Warrant 476. June 25, 1784, p. 226.
SIZEMORE, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wade, E. vacant, S. & W.
Oconee river, survey 24. June 10, 1784. Warrant 1931, p. 8.
SMITH, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 919. April 10, 1785, p. 415.
SNEED, DUDLEY. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 583. June 6, 1784, p. 294.
SNELSON, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S-W.
Count DeEstang, other sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 5. Nov. 1, 1784, p. 3.
SNELSON, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded W.
Wm. Motte, other sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 33. Oct. 10, 1784, p. 17.
Washington Co., bounded W.
Jas. Stallings, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 914. June 8, 1785, p. 413.
STANFORD, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & W. vacant, E.
Thos. Snelson, S.
Wm. Motte, on
Oconee river, survey 30, Oct. 10, 1784, p. 16.
STATENS, JOSEPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Thos. Lamar, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 565. June 25, 1784, p. 285.
STIFF, WILLIAM. 230 acres,
Washington Co. (on Reserve), bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Mitchell, survey 568. July 3, 1784, p. 286.
STONE, CHARLES. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W. surveyed, other sides vacant. Cut by fork of
Oconee river, survey 15. July 24, 1784. Warrant 1695, p. 5.
STROHECKER, RUDOLPH. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Fred Jones, S. vacant, W.
Asa Emanuel, survey 618. June 8, 1784. Warrant 906, p. 211.
STROZIER, PETER. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. grantee, E.
Oconee river, other sides unknown. Cut N. & S. by
Cedar creek, survey 186. July 3, 1787, p. 102.
STUART, CLEMENT. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 7. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 4.
STUART, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant, on N. fork of
Oconee river, survey 2. Oct. 30, 1784, p. 1.
STURGIS, ANDREW. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. Middle Fork
Oconee river, E.
Ignatius Few, S.
Peter Roseseau, W. vacant, lot 1175. Aug. 8, 1785, p. 398.
SULLIVAN, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Harper, E.
Oconee river, S.
Bussey, W. vacant. Cut by fork of
Oconee river, survey 572. June 2, 1784, p. 288.
SUMMERFORD, JACOB. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
College lands, on middle fork of
Oconee river, survey 35. June 9, 1784, p. 18.
SURES, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Thos. Snelson, other sides vacant, on north fork of
Oconee river, survey 29. Oct. 10, p. 15.
TAYLOR, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 580. Warrant 55. June 5th, 1784. p. 190.
TELFAIR, EDWARD. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded W. grantee, other sides vacant. On head-waters of
Oconee river, lot 1188. May 28, 1785, p. 402.
Washington Co., bounded (on reserve) N.
Oconee river and vacant, E.
Geo. Handley, S.
Campbell and
Rayford, W. vacant, survey 602. Nov. 26, 1784, p. 303.
THOMPSON, JAMES. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Mulberry Fork of
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 1179. Aug. 1, 1784, p. 399.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded W.
John Mays, other sides vacant. On
Oconee river, lot 1193. June 10, 1785, p. 404.
TIERCE, BRANDETH. 230 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N.
Joel Russel, E.
Oconee river, S.
Wallace, W. vacant, cut by
Beaverdam crek, N. & S., lot 1063. Warrant (reserve). Feb. 28, 1785. p. 360.
TORRENCE, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. fork of
Oconee river, E.
Andrew Sturgis, S. & W. vacant, lot 1194. Jan. 25, 1785, p. 404.
TUCKER, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 701. Warrant 263. June 2, 1784. p. 233.
VANN, EDWARD. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded all sides by
Oconee river (island), survey 934. Oct. 10, 1785, p. 419.
WADE, NEHEMIAH, 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Samuel Carson, E. vacant, S.
Richard Call, W.
Oconee river, lot 651. Warrant 1685. June 8, 1784. p. 219.
WAGONER, HENRY. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Wm. Terrell, E.
Oconee river, S. & W. vacant, survey 643. June 2, 1784, p. 323.
WAINWRIGHT, GEORGE. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. & E. vacant, S.
Oconee river, W.
Benj. Few, survey 47. June 6, 1784. Warrant 2160, p. 16.
WALLACE, JAMES. 2871/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded N. vacant, E. unknown, S.
Oconee river, W.
Wm. Pinson, survey 190. Feb. 15, 1785, p. 160.
WARD, BRYAN. 920 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded all sides vacant. Cut by
Beaverdam and
Ward creeks, forks of
Oconee river, lot 1218. June 15, 1785, p. 412
WATSON, PETER. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W. by
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 474. Warrant 767. May 17, 1784, p. 172
WEBB, JOHN. 575 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded S.
Wm. Black, other sides vacant. Cut by
Webb's creek and
Williams' Fork of
Oconee river, lot 1203. July 14, 1784, p. 407.
WESTBROOK, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Franklin Co., bounded E.
John Stanford, other sides vacant. Evenly divided, S-W. to N-E. by N. fork
Oconee river, lot 1207. Feb. 10, 1785, p. 409.
WHATLEY, WHARTON. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant and
Harvey, E. vacant, S.
Burnice, W.
Messaries. On
Oconee river, survey 610. Sept. 22, 1784, p. 307.
WHITESIDES, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Hamm, E.
Oconee river, S. vacant, W.
Ed. Hagan, survey 651. June 26, 1784, p. 326.
WILDS, CHARLES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Samuel Wilson, S. & W.
Oconee river, lot 272. May 17, 1784, p. 138.
WILKINS, WILLIAM. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W.
Hwz. Bussey, survey 606. Dec. 3, 1784, p. 305.
WILLIAMS, CHARLES. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded W.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, lot 346. Warrant 1914. June 5th, 1784. p. 192.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE. 575 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E. unknown, other sides vacant, on
Oconee river, survey 668. Feb. 2, 1785, p. 331.
Washington Co., bounded N. vacant, E.
Sam'l Whatley, S.
Oconee river, W.
Jno. Burney, survey 428. June 5, 1784. Warrant 2111, p. 143.
WILSON, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. & S. vacant, W.
Jas. McFarland, survey 612. June 5, 1784, p. 308.
WILSON, SAMUEL. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E. Chas. Wild, S. vacant, W. McFarland, survey 636. June 2, 1784, p. 320.
WOOD, JAMES. 230 acres,
Washington Co., bounded E.
Oconee river, other sides vacant, survey 629. June, 1784. Reserve, p. 215.
WOOTEN, THOMAS. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N., E. & W. by
Oconee river, S. vacant, survey 663. July 20, 1784, p. 329.
WRIGHT, JOHN. 287 1/2 acres,
Washington Co., bounded N.
Oconee river, E.
Jas. McFarland, other sides vacant, survey 619. June 2, 1784, p. 312.