James Bracewell, (son of Solomon Bracewell & Rachel Byrd) and his wife Elizabeth Clinch had five sons, Burwell W., James M, Joseph J, Duncan L. C. & Thomas J.
The following records show that Burwell W., James M. & Joseph J were heirs of their youngest brother, Thomas J, which proves that he had no wife or children. Their 2nd youngest brother, Duncan had died in 1832 at the age of 22. Burwell W. & Permelia Matilda's children were Sarah Ann Bracewell & James Polhill Bracewell, who moved to Hamilton Co., Florida with their mother before 1850 after Burwell died. James M's apparent only child was Mary Martha Bracewell, whose mother was a Boswick. James M. married 2nd Mrs. Sarah Jane Bright and they can be found in Key West, Florida in 1850 with her apparent son John H. Bright, and his nephew Thomas C. Bracewell. Joseph J. married Dorothy White, and their children were Amanda M, Josephus, Elizabeth, Martha Jane & Thomas Clinch. This is all based on records and the process of elimination.
Federal Union, Mar. 21, 1837
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
WHEREAS, Burwell W. Bracewell applies for letters of administration on the estate of Joseph J. Bracewell, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 25th January, 1837. J. V. MITCHELL, D.C.C.?.
Federal Union, Mar. 29, 1842
Pulaski Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Also, 1000 acres of land more or less known as the place where Joseph J. Bracewell formerly lived, in the fourth district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county - levied on as the property of the estate of Joseph J. Bracewell to satisfy sundry fi fas from Pulaski Superior Court, in favor of Bryan W. Collier and others vs. Burwell W. Bracewell, Administrator. JOSEPH CARRUTHERS, D. Sh'ff. March 28, 1842
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Federal Union, Jul. 5, 1842
Pulaski Sheriff's Sale
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
A negro boy by the name of Limus, 10 months old, levied on as the property of the estate of Burwell W. Bracewell, deceased, to satisfy a fifa from Pulaski Superior Court, the Bank of Hawkinsville vs. Burwell W. Bracewell - property pointed out by John Rawls.
A negro man by the name of Jerry, 45 years old, levied on as the property of Joseph J. Bracewell, to satisfy a fi fa from Pulaski Superior court, Ker Boyce vs. Burwell W. Bracewell, administrator of Joseph J. Bracewell, deceased - property pointed out by John Rawls. JOS. CARRUTHERS, D. Sheriff. July 14, 1842.
Federal Union, Dec. 26, 1843
Pulaski Sheriff's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The south half of lot No. 389, and fraction No. 402, both containing 237 1/2 acres, lying and being in the 21st district of formerly Wilkinson now Pulaski county, bounded on the south by the district line; and the north half of lot No. 240, in the 20th district of said county, containing 101 1/4 acres, bounded on the north by the district line; and one-third part of 367 1/2 acres adjoining the above described lands, it being the undivided interest Burwell W. Bracewell has in the lands formerly belonging to Thomas J. Bracewell, deceased; the whole settlement of lands supposed to be 461 acres, be it more or less, or all the lands or settlement of lands, if the numbers are not correctly described that Burwell W. Bracewell owns or has any interest in said plantation, which is better known by the Bracewell settlement, laying four miles below Hawkinsville, on the east side of the Ocmulgee river in this county, and lying upon the waters of Limestone creek, and adjoining Washington Lancaster, and William Sapp and others; all levied on as the property of Burwell W. Bracewell, to satisfy a fi fa. from Pulaski Inferior Court, the Bank of Hawkinsville vs. Burwell W. Bracewell - property pointed out by John Rawls.
Joseph J. Bracewell's interest, the undivided one-third part of 367 1/2 acres of land belonging to Thomas J. Bracewell, deceased, lying in the county of Pulaski, and adjoining the settlement of land owned by Burwell W. Bracewell, and lying on Limestone creek, adjoining William Sapp and others; also a negro man named Jerry, about 50 years of age; all levied on as the property of Joseph J. Bracewell to satisfy a fi fa. from Pulaski Superior Court, Bryan W. Collier vs. Burwell W. Bracewell, administrator of Joseph J. Bracewell, deceased - property pointed out by John Rawls. JOSEPH CURRUTHERS, D. Sh'ff Dec. 20, 1843.
Southern Recorder, Nov. 11, 1845
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of said county. The petition of Edward St. George respectfully showeth, that heretofore, to wit: on the sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-one, one James M. Bracewell executed and delivered to your petitioner, his certain mortgage deed iin writing, under his hand and seal, for the better securing the said Edward St. George in the payment of certain promissory notes therein described, bearing date on the sixth day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and amounting in all to the sum of seven hundred and seventeen dollars and thirty-three cents; and whereby one Burwell W. Bracewell, and the said James M. Bracewell, and your petitioner, promised to pay Elizabeth Hamilton or bearer, the sum of money aforesaid, on or before the first day of January, ensuing the date of said notes, for value received. And for the better securing the payment of the aforesaid promissory notes, the siad James M. Bracewell bargained, sold, and conveyed, by said mortgage deed, to your petitioner, all that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the twentieth district of originally Wilkinson now Pulaski county, on the waters of Limestone creek, and the Ocmulgee river, containing one hundred and thirty-three and one-third acres, more or less, it being the interest which the said James M. Bracewell had in and to the lands of Thomas J. Bracewell, late of said county, deceased; and your petitioner avers that the full amount of principal and interest of said promissory notes is due and unpaid to your petitioner - wherefore your petitioner prays that a rule nisi may be granted requiring the said James M. Bracewell to pay the principal and interest due on said notes, into the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of this county, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, or that his equity of redemption in and to the mortgaged premises be forever foreclosed and barred, &c AUG. H. HANSELL. Att'y for Petitioner.
EDWARD ST. GEORGE,} Petition and Rule Nisi for
JAMES M. BRACEWELL.} foreclosure of mortgage
On hearing the petition of Edward St. George, it is ordered, that the defendant do pay the amount of principal and interest due on the promissory notes therein described, into the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of this county, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court; and in default thereof, his equity of redemption to the said mortgage premises, be foreclosed and forever and forever barred; and that this rule be served upon the defendant in terms of the law. A true copy taken from the minutes of the Court, July 7th, 1845. JOHN V. MITCHELL, Clerk S.C. July 15, 1845
Federal Union, Mar. 17, 1846
Pulaski Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold before the Court house door, in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: 133 1-4 acres of land more or less, in the 20th district of originally Wilkinson, now Pulaski county, it being the undivided interests that James M. Bracewell has in the lands of Thomas J. Bracewell, deceased, on the waters of Limestone creek and Ocmulgee river; levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa. returnable to the Superior Court of Pulaski county, in favor of Edward St. George vs. James M. Bracewell: property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. C. M. BOZEMAN, Sh'ff. Jan. 28, 1846.
Federal Union, Mar. 10, 1846
Pulaski Sheriff's Sale
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door, in the town of Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit:
190 acres of land, more or less, it being part of lot No. 194, in the 4th district of originally Dooly now Pulaski county, the place whereon Mrs. Permelia Bracewell, Mrs. Martha Polhill and Peter E. Love Esq., now lives; levied on as the property of Burwell W. Bracewell, to satisfy a fi fa from Pulaski Inferior court, the Bank of Hawkinsville, vs. Burwell W. Bracewell, property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney, levied on and returned to me by Joseph Carruthers former Sheriff. The above fi fa transferred to Chas. S. Hawley.