Monday, October 8, 2007

William (W) Braswell & Joseph (mark) Braswell IOW Co., VA 1746/7

THIS INDENTURE made the 12:th day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & forty Six/7 BETWEEN JOSEPH BRASSWELL and his wife SARAH & WILLIAM BRASSWELL & his Wife SARAH of the Isle of Wight County of the one part and RICHARD VICK of the said County of the other Consideration of the Sum of Nineteen Pounds Current Money of Virginia...HATH....Sold...unto the said RICHARD VICK...A certain Tract or Parcell of Land lying and being in the County of Isle of Wight aforesd Containing by Estimation One Hundred Acres be the same more or less the said Divident of Land being part of a Patent Granted to EDWd GOODSON and MATTHEW RUSHIN bearing Date the Sixteenth day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and fourteen, and bounded as followeth Vizt. BEGINNING at a Gum standing in Nottoway Swamp at a Branch so up the Branch to a Pine standing in THOMAS CRAFFORD's Line from thence along a line of marked Trees to a Pine standing by the side of a Branch so down the Branch to a White Oak standing in NottowaySwamp aforesd. and down the various courses of the sd Swamp to the Beginning.

Signed Sealed & Delivered JOSEPH (mark) BRASSWELL (Seal)
In Presence of us

(Immediately following is a "Memorandum" stating that the BRASWELLs had released "Quiet & Peaceable possession" of the tract to VICK and a 39 pound bond guaranteeing their title to the land, suggesting that their title may have been subject to the claims of others, perhaps other heirs.)

Deed Book 7, 1744‑1747, Part 2, pp. 445‑448

From the files of Carey Bracewell.