Friday, July 24, 2009

James, Clay & Claude Braswell, Cookeville, Tennessee

1898 - April 7, A BLOODY DEED
-- Giles Bradford, Jr., Killed at Ai, Last Sunday. -- James Braswell and Sons, Clay and Claude, Arrested. -- They Will Be Given a Preliminary Hearing Next Saturday at this Place -- Considerable Difficulty was Encountered in Getting at the Exact Facts -- Giles Bradford, Jr., was shot and stabbed to death at Ai last Sunday, by, report says, Clay and Claude Braswell. We learn that a difficulty arose between William Bradford (a nephew of the deceased) and Clay Braswell, when the deceased interferred to separate them. About this time a general fight ensued, several being mixed up in it. In the meantime, Giles Bradford was badly cut in the side and a stab in the back to the hollow, and shot through both lungs, from the effect of which he died in about four minutes. The jury of inquest reported as we are informed, that the deceased came to his death from a pistol shot fired by Claude Braswell, and bruises with brass knucks on the hand of James Braswell. Warrants for the arrest of Clay, Claude, and James Braswell were sworn out and placed in the hands of the Sheriff, who immediately went to the scene of the trouble and arrested James and Clay Braswell, but failed to find Claude. Clay was lodged in jail to await an examination, while James Braswell was out in charge of the Sheriff. We failed to find the report of the jury of inquest after search in the Clerk's office. The case was set for trial at the court house in Cookeville on last Tuesda, at which time Claude Braswell voluntarily came in and surrendered to the Sheriff. On application of the State the case was continued until next Saturday. James Braswell was allowed to give bond in the sum of $2000, but Clay and Claude were sent to jail. [Vol. XI, No. 25, Page 1]

1903 - November 18, Lewis Robinson was shot by Clay Braswell at Baxter Sunday evening about 5 o'clock, and died in a few minutes. According to reports the two men had a difficulty, in which Braswell was cut with a knife by Robinson, who followed Braswell home and attempted to renew the affair, with the above result. A shotgun loaded with small shot was the weapon used. [Vol. I, No. 41, Page 6]